well-rested, well-injured


Well-Known Member
I'm back from my trek across razor-sharp lava! hehehe :D

It was a great camping trip - I mreally missed ku'u and her little family though :(

I haven't slept that good in ages! Listening the the waves break right there, a mere 100 yards from you *sigh* ... it's so restful.

I went surfing on Saturday - there's a beach with a great inshore break and since it's been 10+ years since I've been out there, I figured, "why not?" so I grabbed a board and went out .. it was great! I even got a nene rash! :D (the sign of a true surfer :D) ... all of Saturday night I wondered why I ever gave it up .. just because I had to be a "grown up" was no reason ... surely, I can still be a mom and surf .... then yesterday we went surfing again .. I caught a few really great waves then, on one in particular, I miss judged the break .. the wave broke left, I broke right .. and my foot .. well, let's just say it just plain broke :D .. actually, I don't know if it's broken or not .. I haven't gone to the doctor. I heard and felt something crack but we were in the middle of nowhere .. nothing else to do but grab the board and go out for another back set :) .. my left foot was perfectly fine for kicking :D ... when I was done and the pain was the throbbing and radiating up my calf, it dawned on me why I don't surf anymore :D

I'll post some pics so you guys can have a slightly better idea of what ku'u was talking about in her related thread ... but not the one of my nene rash :D
kuulani said:
hey nan, you could've been the star on Lilo & Stitch! :D

I was the star ... wasn't her name Nani? They had do change the name slightly to protect my identity :D
Here's one of my mum ... she's the coolest :)


mom002.jpg, 64.42kb

and here's one of the ocean ... go ahead .. you can drool :)


kekai002.jpg, 21.23kb

that's better ... here's one of me surfing ... I think ... I named most of the pics "surfing" but I'm not sure which are which *L*


surfing003.2.jpg, 23.72kb

and here's one of the camping gang ... well, most of us .. some of us aren't in this pic


thegang003.jpg, 93.17kb

ok .. last one I think .. then that's enough of that ...

here's one of the pond area .. it's low tide ...


thepond.jpg, 83.81kb

kuulani said:
beautiful ocean ... beautiful tans ... is that pic of your mum taken before or after the wine? :cocktail:

:D ... it was before the "Ulu, you're old - you don't have go out of the pond to cook dinner .. that's why we had children!" and after the "I CAN SWIM! SAVE THE WINE!" incidents

hehehe .. they started out with cups but when they realized it was just too cumbersome, they started drinking right out of the bottle ... of course, one was a white wine and one was a red wine so every so often they'd trade ... :D
nalani said:
kuulani said:
I don't think she has a pic of herself in a bikini ... she does have one of cleavage though ;)



Cleavage! Cleavage! We want cleavage! :headbang:

Down in the valley,
The valley so low...

:p :p

I have a good pic of Jan in her bikini from this summer, but I think she'd kill me if I posted it. ;)