Well, well, well


molṑn labé
Staff member
Is this why France is balking at war? Among other, simialr reasons.

A French company has been selling spare parts to Iraq for its fighter jets and military helicopters during the past several months, according to U.S. intelligence officials.

The unidentified company sold the parts to a trading company in the United Arab Emirates, which then shipped the parts through a third country into Iraq by truck.

If Germany & France have been doing busines with Iraq over the last 8, 10, 12 years-behind the back of the UN-and it came out publically, after the war was finished, it would be an embarassment, diplomatically. If there is no war, there's nothing to find.
Gonz, you are aware that the peices for Saddam's "Super Gun" were made in the US, right? And that it was designed by an American...
I'm unclear on this. Weren't they allowed to maintain their airforce? I thought they were.
*On August 6, 1990, U.N.S.C.R. 661, was levied and
froze Iraqi assets, with exceptions allowed for
"supplies intended strictly for medical purposes
and, in humanitarian circumstances, foodstuffs."

*On April 3, 1991, U.N.S.C.R. 687 dictated cease
fire conditions. The Resolution specified three
categories of demands: unilateral disarmament,
compensation to Kuwait for damage inflicted during
the occupation and war, and acceptance of the 1963
Iraq-Kuwait border.(2) The Iraq dispute over the
Iraqi-Kuwait border, as mentioned previously, arises
from their dissension with the border that the
United Kingdom drew for it after the fall of the
Ottoman Empire.(3) A United Nations Special
Commission (U.N.S.C.O.M.) was charged with
implementing and verifying destruction of Iraq's
chemical and biological weapons capability,
destruction of medium and long-range ballistic
missiles, and installing monitoring mechanisms to
ensure that these capabilities were not rebuilt.
Resolution 687 confirmed that the humanitarian
circumstances were such that food imports should be
allowed after notification to the Sanctions

*On August 15, 1991, U.N.S.C.R. 706 allowed Iraq to
sell up to $1.6 billion of its oil. The proceeds
were to be deposited into an UN administered
account. The money in the account was to be used to
buy humanitarian supplies for Iraq, to compensate
Kuwait for war damages, and to reimburse
U.N.S.C.O.M. for its costs. (Iraq did not agree to
the terms of this Resolution and publicly has not
sold oil.)(4)
I thought they negotiated some sort of agreement that allowe them to maintain a military...might be wrong. :shrug:
Squiggy said:
Gonz, you are aware that the peices for Saddam's "Super Gun" were made in the US, right? And that it was designed by an American...

I believe Bull(the guns designer) was a Canadian ?
Doesn't look like it...tell me way too much time hasn't been spent on this...search for "661", which was the origianl resolution

79 documents found for query: 661
This is the part that makes me crazy. aeveryone was willing to help him acquire weapons. Did we all think he was going to use them against our enemies? We were/are all allies of Israel and we did it anyway. We're a world of fools....
wasn;t it rumsfeld who brokered the sale of chemical/biological weapons in teh late 80's? enemy of the enemy is my friend, oh no he's the enemy again.
I'd like to submit to Congress a resolution for passage:

"Enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend"...