We're havin' a referendum


Staff member
On the electoral system in Ontario.

info here

Basically, now we have a system where there are districts, and everyone in a district votes for their local guy. That local guy gets to be MPP (Minister of Provincial Parliament), and then, obviously, the party with the most local guys (seats) in the end is the Majority winner.

There is a proposed change in the system, in that there would be the same amount of seats available, but fewer districts. People would vote for their local guy AND a party. The local guy gets a seat, and the party with the most votes is the majority, regardless of how many local guys actually ended up seated. The rest of the seats not filled by votes would be filled from a preselected list of members of the winning party.

Number one is ok. Except where your local guy is not of the party you like. You're torn between getting your area represented the way you want and getting your province represented the way you want.

Number two is interesting. You'd get to vote for your guy and your party both. But I do NOT like the idea that people would be appointed to be Members without anyone actually ever voting for them. Holy cronyism potential, Batman!

Vote for a local guy and a party? That seems a bit wonky to me. Suppose that 80% vote torries into local districts and yet a green party platform overall. Whom is supposed to fill these party platform level seats? I don't praticularly like it.

The system I always liked was our old Senatorial system before it gave way to direct elections: You vote for your local rep. Your local reps in turn elect the state/provincial level reps (not automatically from their own ranks, but thats usually how it works 99% of the time) The state and provincial level reps in turn make up the majority system for the parliament and turn elect one of their own to become PM or Prez. It really makes you pay attention to whom you elect locally. Having direct election control at all levels makes the system to herky-jerky and subject to the media dog-and-pony posturing.
electoral reform

My first question is, why does it need reforming? What is wrong with the current system?

Next question....Party affiliation-how many parties are allowed to parrticipate? How does a new party get involved?
i wasn't aware that people even voted in ontario.

ha ha but seriously ontario seems to be one of the most politically apathetic places i've ever been. even more so than the secret spaces inside my pant leg. and it's even weirder because i'm wearing shorts. maybe i need to call my mom.