Whacked Link of The Day


Staff member

White people have a tendancy to say "They all look the same" about other races and that of course isn't true and is very politically incorrect...but, maybe it's true about people in Beijing? How else do you explain this fucked up situation?

With the same deep-set eyes and broad mouths, Xiang Nan and Wang Yiwen went to court in Beijing wearing identical jeans and check shirts, demanding redress from a hospital they said 21 years ago mixed up Xiang with another baby, the Beijing Times reported on Wednesday.

That baby grew up as Wang Yiwu, believing he was Wang Yiwen's twin brother.

The two families lived in the same semi-rural district of Beijing and Xiang and Wang Yiwen met briefly two years ago when mutual friends brought them together, struck by their similarity.

They dismissed the likeness as coincidence until late last year, when neighbors complained that a young man they thought was Wang Yiwen often ignored them.

In all honesty, to me other races just look all the same, specially asians :shrug:
In all honesty, to me other races just look all the same, specially asians :shrug:

Well then keep that story saved somewhere because if an Asian ever gets offended by you thinking they look the same then you can say "Well, looks like you guys even think you all look the same"!

Seriously, I've heard of twins separated at birth...but thinking that someone who isn't even related to you in your twin...and then meeting your real twin and not even realizing it? That is FUCKED UP!
Well come on. It isn't really an indicator of racism, nor is it rocket science, to acknowlege, that both asians and blacks, almost universally have the same eye and hair color, while caucasions differ. That's, just plain old reality.
Well come on. It isn't really an indicator of racism, nor is it rocket science, to acknowlege, that both asians and blacks, almost universally have the same eye and hair color, while caucasions differ. That's, just plain old reality.

It goes deeper than eye and hair colour though...unless they're really stupid. If I had an identical twin I'd know the difference between her and some other random brown haired, brown eyed white chick.
Well then keep that story saved somewhere because if an Asian ever gets offended by you thinking they look the same then you can say "Well, looks like you guys even think you all look the same"!

Seriously, I've heard of twins separated at birth...but thinking that someone who isn't even related to you in your twin...and then meeting your real twin and not even realizing it? That is FUCKED UP!

Of course asians can spot the differences between themselves quite easily. Just as easily as you can spot the differences between races that are more like you. If you grew up surrounded by lots of asians, then perhaps that isn't a problem to you as it is to me.

PS. If they ever read this and get offended, we mexicans are not a political correct race ;)
I have a lot of trouble telling a lot of white folk apart. Especially the cookie cutter soccer mom and the button down non-descript dad.
See, they all look alike!!!!


If I had a twin I'd recognize him real quick. Indeed, that's just fucked up.