What a pansy


molṑn labé
Staff member
The war is won? saddam is gone? *breaks out champagne* Yea for us...

"France, like all democracies, is delighted at the fall of the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and hopes for a quick and effective end to the fighting," Chirac's office said in a statement.

"It is now necessary to create the conditions which will give the Iraqi people its dignity in re-discovered freedom.
Yes & that would NOT include spineless trolls like you


The French wern't exactly hip on the whole 'dignity' thing before this went down. Its too late to be Monday morning quarterbacking and trying to act all noble. They just need to slink into the shadows and be done with it.
outside looking in said:
Agreed. France should not set foot in Iraq during the rebuilding and reorganizational period.

You see? Here we have a classic example of a poor businessman. Think outside the box, dude. Look at all the opportunities.

Encourage all the French to come. With all the friendly fire incidents, and suicide runs, who'll even notice a few dozen 747's disappearing? Hell, offer discount rates.
saddam has disappeared & the coalition is in control of 60% or more of Iraq...any news site & about 15 gazillion posts here :D
i thought he was in hiding and since he isnt(well were not sure on that) dead he might have some just not nearly as much power and that there is some form of gov't there it isnt anarchy and france regardless of the gov't there wont it still want its hand in there?
C'mon, guys. You know we're going to have to cut the French in. If we don't, they won't like us anymore.

Oh, yeah... they already hate us. Fuck 'em.