What are Portugal & Spain?

Hablo español y

Je parle un petit peu de fracais et

Ik spreek ein heel klien beetje de Nederlands ook, maar ik ben geen Nederlander.

Ik verstaat Duits, maar Ik spreek niet.

I also speak a small amount of japanese, but for obvious reasons, I can´t read or write it. (Japanese elementary school kids have to learn over 800 individual characters).

.... and I can swear in Chinese and Russian. :D

A friend of mine, years ago, could read, write and speak espiranto... Why? ?(
Esperanto was meant to be the universal language, unfortunately, english took over.
a13antichrist said:
Aunty Em said:
Si, si, esso es.

In light of Bush's motivation for this war, your spelling mistake becomes most ironic.

I'm always doing that, my spanish spelling is terrible. You can correct my essays for me if you like. :D