Old history about the dem's taking cash instead of protecting Americans. Dems or Republicans, chcr is moslty correct. There is far less difference between the two that we'd like. I bring it up to point out that given time & energy, there could be a zillion Congressional investigations at once.
Wow, that one has many characters.
His name keeps popping up.
OKAY-you keep pointing at the Bush administration (the first President to actually do something against terror) & I'll keep showing that it's all the same.
Yes, I mean the first.
Reagan ran
Bush ran
Clinton ran & ran & ran & ran & ran.
George2 had enough.
WND 2001 said:Likewise forgetting himself, Senator John Kerry, on Larry King Live on September 11, 2001, suggested that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by a terrorist act.
Wow, that one has many characters.
WND Also 2001 said:The second admission took place on Sept. 24 on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. On this occasion, Kerry casually recited a number of terrorist attacks against the United States, among them TWA "Flight 800." Like Larry King before him, Chris Matthews either did not catch the remark or chose to let it pass.
His name keeps popping up.
OKAY-you keep pointing at the Bush administration (the first President to actually do something against terror) & I'll keep showing that it's all the same.
Yes, I mean the first.
Reagan ran
Bush ran
Clinton ran & ran & ran & ran & ran.
George2 had enough.