what disturbs you?


New Member
what are the things that, when you hear, see, etc them, you immediately feel very uneasy?

for me:
things emerging from a surface. blackheads being removed from a face are a good example of that. it's not because blackheads are dirty, and removing them is unhygenic... it's because it visually disturbs me. things like dolphins jumping out of water do not apply. think blackheads. think things that sprout, in some grotesque way.

also: things grouped close together. holes, dots, really any shape. bread, sponges, maggots (and not just because they're gross to begin with, it's because they're clustered), magnified multiplying bacteria, even things like bowls of rice. rice, for fuck's sake. i am disturbed by rice. :blank:

i just had to get all that off my chest.

ok, now, your turn.
omg, it's horrible, i was reading a magazine earlier, and the actress from that Helen of Troy thing, was talking about:
how she was playing in the woods with a costar, and there were pine-needles, and she got stuck with them, and they looked like blackheads...
and they thought they were blackheads, until they tried to squeeze one, and out came a MOTHERFUCKING PINENEEDLE!!
that is fucking DISGUSTING!!!
i've thought about it a lot today, and i am like, gagging.
it's terrible.
Perhaps i should be more specific, what disturbs me is dirty people, i don't feel repulsed by people that smells like sweat due to exercizing or because of the hot weather. Is the people that won't take a shower/bath daily and smell like "bed, sweat, feet cheese :sick:, arm pits, etc etc"
Nothing really disturbs me, but I really hate seeing someone get hurt. No matter how many action movies I watch, I always, always feel uneasy and flinch when someone gets his arm ripped off.
omg, jerrek, me too!!
my bf says, it's because i'm having trouble seeing it as "entertainment", i'm having trouble detatching my real-life cares when i see that....

i'm sorry.
but excuse me for being HUMAN.

i imagine it must be insanely painful.
and i may be laughed at for this, but Home Alone 2 permanently scarred me. that was the first time i saw... the E word. it's hard for me to type it's such a complex, ominous sounding word.
Chris De Burgh.

That clip floating around the net of a POW in the Chechen conflict getting his head cut off while he's still alive. :sick:

Women with droopy baps who wear dresses with plunging necklines.

Maggots, grubs etc.

The dress sense of some people doing my course at uni.


The fact that society is often less perturbed by mass genocide than isolated first degree murder or manslaughter.

"People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch." :D
hmmm when someone somehow knows me but i dont knwo them(and thats happened), hurt animals or humans, people who kill either animals or people without a reason(IE people who hunt for trophies rather than make use of animal, charles manson, ed gein for humans), stuff like that. adn guys making a pass at me scares me. also if i dont see whos touching me i get scared.
Since the internet, nothing really disturbs me anymore. Well, ok, one thing, but I'm not sure I should say it here. Lets just say it's Scatastic!!!!
thats gross. peoples own personal fetishes usually dont disturb me but damn i dont knwo anyone whod do that