What do you do?


Major contributor!
I'm cleaning the virus out of a computer here that has a "questionable" copy of Windows XP on it. The customer told me when he dropped it off that a buddy of his installed XP on it and he wasen't sure if it was a pirated copy or not. So I'm cleaning it out and patching and decide to install the rest of the security updates on it. I've negelected to install SP1 on it since I'm in the dark about the OS.

I call the guy this morning to let him know it's done and ready to pick up. The receptionist answers the phone with the name of some law firm. WTF!?! This guy is a lawyer and he might have an illegal copy of XP installed on his own friggin computer?

Now I'm kinda stuck. What the hell do I do?
Install SP1. If it's legit, it won't matter. If it's not, it will fubar his computer and it won't be your fault.