What do you mean, an African or European Swallow?

The eternal question is answered

click here you silly kanigits

Lesson Greenfreak learned today:

Don't call anyone a silly kanigit because some people haven't seen the Holy Grail and will think you're calling someone a racial slur. Then you'll spend 15 minutes explaining that it's a line from a movie, who said it, trying in vain to find a wav file from the movie to prove it and give up. :rolleyes:

Some of the people I work with are so touchy.
greenfreak said:
Lesson Greenfreak learned today:

Don't call anyone a silly kanigit because some people haven't seen the Holy Grail and will think you're calling someone a racial slur. Then you'll spend 15 minutes explaining that it's a line from a movie, who said it, trying in vain to find a wav file from the movie to prove it and give up. :rolleyes:

Some of the people I work with are so touchy.

just explain it is the phonetic saying of knight k nig ht


and click here, and find the script, and show them

holy grail script

or this is the passage

ARTHUR: The Castle Aggh. Our quest is at an end! God be
praised! Almighty God, we thank Thee that Thou hast [something]
safe [something] the most-
[twong baaaa]
Jesus Christ!
GUARD: 'Allo, daffy English kaniggets and Monsieur Arthur-King,
who is afraid of a duck, you know! So, we French fellows out-wit
you a second time!
ARTHUR: How dare you profane this place with your presence!? I
command you, in the name of the Knights of Camelot, to open the
doors of this sacred castle, to which God himself has guided us!
GUARD: How you English say, I one more time-a unclog my nose in
your direction, sons of a window-dresser! So, you think you could
out-clever us French folk with your silly knees-bent running about
in dancing behavior! I wave my private parts at your aunties, you
heaving lot of second hand electric donkey bottom biters.
could try movie quotes and such. but yes people can be touchy shitheads.(there are sites without wav files or mp3s but text written quotes
paul_valaru said:
to save your honor at work green....


I played it for the two people who had a problem with it and they kinda laughed and shrugged. They probably wouldn't "get" the movie if they watched it anyway. I should use that as a friend barometer. If you don't like Monty Python, you're not worth befriending. :D