What do YOU pay for gas?


Georgia, USA: $1.33 per gallon, $0.35 per liter, £0.85 per gallon, £0.22 per liter (Uncle Hobart)

Missouri, USA: $1.39 per gallon, $0.37 per liter, £0.89 per gallon, £0.23 per liter (PuterTutor)

Indiana, USA: $1.47 per gallon, $0.39 per liter, £0.97 per gallon, £0.26 per liter (Gonz)

Ontario, CAN: $1.63 per gallon, $0.43 per liter, £1.04 per gallon, £0.27 per liter (Last Legionary)

New York, USA: $1.70 per gallon, $0.45 per liter, £1.09 per gallon, £0.29 per liter (Greenfreak)

Quebec, CAN: $1.86 per gallon, $0.49 per liter, £1.19 per gallon, £0.31 per liter (Professur)

Alaska, USA: $2.00 per gallon, $0.53 per liter, £1.28 per gallon, £0.34 per liter (Hexploit)

Netherlands: $4.14 per gallon, $1.09 per liter, £2.66 per gallon, £0.70 per liter (Psycho)

UK: $4.30 per gallon, $1.13 per liter, £2.74 per gallon, £0.72 per liter (ris)

UK: $4.58 per gallon, $1.21 per liter, £2.93 per gallon, £0.77 per liter (Aunty Em)

Others, feel free too add. I will convert to US$ and GB£, liters, and gallons and modify this post so we could see who pays the most, and who pays the least. It will be arranged from cheapest to most expensive.
i think i'm paying 72.9 at the moment. it'd be nice if it dropped back into the 60's someday.
ok, when we talk about Canada, we always talk in American dollars, I see.

but where are you paying 68c?
Leslie said:
ok, when we talk about Canada, we always talk in American dollars, I see.
No, its just to show people a STANDARD unit... It doesn't help if one give it in pounds per liters, another in dollars per gallons, and another in canadian dollars per liter.

but where are you paying 68c?
Georgetown, ON... On 9th line, at the 7 Eleven, three days ago. Don't know about today. It fluctuates quite a bit.
The town we get ours in is Orillia, the regular prices according to that page range from 70.9 to 75.9 CDN
I filled my car at 73.9 this morning, then went to work and filled the company truck at 77.9. Both at shell stations.
We should probably be specifying that we're quoting regular, self serve and paying cash. Those three factors here are the difference between paying $1.70 and $1.85. Now if I drove to NJ, not only could I get full serve (by law-no self serve), it would be *at least* ten cents cheaper than my cheapest gas. Quite possibly the only thing I like about NJ. :D
unclehobart said:

I'm only 50 miles from London so prices are higher here as it's supposed to be a more affluent part of the country. :rolleyes:

The difference is the amount of tax we pay - 76% as opposed to 29% - :( Phew! And they wonder why we winge about it? :rolleyes:

Stealth taxes! It's absolutely mad.
I pay $1.339 cents per gallon on base. I wish they'd raise the price just enough to get rid of that .9 cents they charge. I absolutely hate that. It's annoying.
Gato_Solo said:
I pay $1.339 cents per gallon on base. I wish they'd raise the price just enough to get rid of that .9 cents they charge. I absolutely hate that. It's annoying.

Maybe if enough people bought exactly 1 gallon and demanded their change? :D