What game character resembles you the most?


Well-Known Member
For me it's probably Seifer from Final Fantasy VIII:

His personality is quite similar to mine too. I'm a bit more on the good side, though. Remove the scar and add Zell's hair;

and you have a pretty good match. How 'bout you?

(Yeah, i'm a bit bored. So?)
At the moment I'm not sure.....maybe Tidus from FF-X because his personality type matches mine the most? Loud and outgoing on the outside, but on the inside.....well go play FF-X and see for yourself.


I like to explore, I have blond hair, I love to shop, I'm partial to a drink in hidden taverns and sometimes I......erm.......I whack giant mushrooms with my big chopper! :lloyd:
Hmm, I never thought of who I'm most like from FF, I'll have to get back to you on that.

hehe, Wonderboy, that was one of my favorite games on the Sega Master system, and I managed to find an emulator for it and play Wonder Boy III: the Dragon's Trap from time to time. If you're interested in the emulator, you know where to find me. Maybe this explains something about you Oz... ;)
Not enough female heroines.... I did archaeology so I'm kinda like Lara Croft 'cept without that whole need to shoot every thing to smithereens, I have a healthy curiosity like April Ryan from The Longest Journey, and I have a weird sense of humour like Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island (yes, he's a woman). As for what I look like the most.... dunno. Anyone think of a blonde haired green eyed scary woman?

edit: I guess I should tie this back into FF8, ... I'm most like Ultimecia. :p
I guess I'm kind of like Laguna, funny things happen to me, and I'm rather clumsy with many things. I doubt I'll become prez or something though. :D BoP, there are other FF games, you know.

any game? hmm... RE Outbreak has some characters I cant think of the names that have simialr personalities to me
Kawaii said:
Errm... Just to clarify, i meant any game, not just FF.

I think the FF chars have far more depth to them than most other games. Except the Dentons from Deus Ex
i was always the scottie dog in monopoly...not that there is much resemblence...'cept i will bite yer ankles if i'm mad enough.
*makes mental note not to piss off tonks*

and btw the name change is neither to do with wrestling nor Edgar Allen Poe sweety ;)
Well it's for one simple reason. Steweygrrrr bores me. I use that name everywhere and, well, I felt like a change. On the upside it makes me sound slightly less 12.