What is Britain teaching its children?


What Is Britain Teaching It's Children?: I can hardly believe the results of a poll that asks how young Brits feel about their country...

"Two out of every three young Britons feel ashamed of their nationality, in part because of violence and hooliganism, according to a magazine survey published on Thursday. ...Over 83 percent of youngsters want to quit the country..."

They want to "quit the country" and go where; Saudi Arabia, Zaire, Argentina? This is what happens when you get left-wingers pushing multiculturalism, moral equivalence, and telling these kids patriotism is bad day in an day out. You get a bunch of brainwashed kids, living in one best countries in the world, who have no idea how good they have it. These people are ashamed of "violence and hooliganism?" Hey, go to Somalia or Sudan and you'll see levels of "violence and hooliganism" you never imagined.

Furthermore, how about taking a little pride in British accomplishments? If Winston Churchill and the grandfathers of the people taking this survey wouldn't have put up a fight, all of Europe would of been pinned beneath a German boot before Russia or the US could of gotten into the War. Isn't that a reason to be proud to live in Britain? Just think about how many exceptional Brits have come up through the ages; Winston Churchill, The Beatles, Margaret Thatcher, The Duke of Wellington, Henry VIII, Shakespeare, Montgomery, Oliver Cromwell, Queen Elizabeth, and many, many, others. Come on Britain, it's ok to show a little pride in your nation's accomplishments...

I thought this was some interesting reading.
Source: http://www.rightwingnews.com/

I heard that some places in Britain is so "multicultural" that English is virtually nonexistant in some villages. Is that true? How problematic would you guys describe this "multicultural" thing? Do you like it or do you not like it?

This is the one thing I think Europe has more (or less, depending on how you view it) exprience with. The New World was always a mixed breed, but up to very recently when you go to France you would find Frenchmen, and when you go to Germany you would find Germans. But the influx of other cultures in a bid to be "multiculture" tolerant countries are losing their identities. More than 50% of the people in Toronto speak Chinese or some other language. At the University of Waterloo, around 80% of the students are Chinese or Korean. This really scares me. Any comments?
look dude, i love my country and my life, why are you on about Europe and Britain this much???? if you don't like it just stay the hell out man! ;)
i'm not sure that the right-wing news is a valid, unbiased source of information. somehting tells me they might have an intention to use data to support own claims and ignore other data ;)

some 'villages' in england where english virtually nonexistant? mwahahahahaahahaha!!! shows no understanding of how the uk works. perhaps areas of some cities might be ethnically grouped but that is no different to any other country.

most britons are pround of elements of our past [the wars in europe some of our leaders are ok], but we are aware of the present as well and the race riots of last year, the rise of right-wing parties in the uk etc does bother us. we cannot live on past accomplishments, judge us instead on today's.

until recently [and the world cup and jubilee have in a large part been responsible for this] the english flag [st georges cross] was a strongly right wing symbol that was often used to beat on immigrants and other ethnic groups. it seems that the flag has now been reclaimed for all in england, and rightly so, we all have a right to it regardless of origin. i hope it stays this way.

britain is a pretty tolerant society but i don't think we are tolerant enough. we have a wonderfully diverse culture, but some feel threatend by it. as far as i'm concerned multiculturalism is a good thing, it opens our eyes to new things, it broadens understanding.

if you talk to someone in the uk about their origins most say i'm x but my family is originally welsh, scots, northern, irish, dutch etc. the uk has traditionally been fought over, invaded, reinvaded [vikings, saxons, normans]. we are a country of mutts and think we're all the better for it.
Originally posted by ris
the rise of right-wing parties in the uk etc does bother us.

"Us?" If the "right wing" parties are rising, that means they're being supported by a large part of the population. Who, then, is "us?"

the english flag [st georges cross] was a strongly right wing symbol that was often used to beat on immigrants and other ethnic groups.

I never know what people mean by the term "right wing." They use it to describe fascists, and then turn around and use it to describe people who believe in capitalism. Just for the sake of clarity, fascism is a form of socialism. If you've got fascists on the right and communists on the left, then there's not much room on your political spectrum for people who believe in freedom.

as far as i'm concerned multiculturalism is a good thing, it opens our eyes to new things, it broadens understanding.

Any philosophy that puts Muhammed on the same level as John Locke is warped. John Locke gave the the world political tolerance for individual beliefs, Muhammed gave the world theocratic dictatorship. It's one thing to say that Muslims have the right to worship Allah in their own way, but to say that a religion which advocates theocratic dictatorship is just as legitimate as a philosophy which advocates liberal democracy is absurd, not to mention immoral.

we are a country of mutts and think we're all the better for it.

There are stories that the "native" Europeans, Britain included, are so underpopulating their respective countries that in (something like) 50 years, caucasians will be the minority in Europe. The immigrants from Africa & the Middle East are having babies at an "alarming rate" which in turn leads to a racial shift away from the traditional French or English look. Not necessarily a bad thing until you think of the way that most of the immigrants believe in a theocracy as opposed to democracy. Being the "enlightened" countinent is (potentially) the downfall of Europe.

There is a similar race shift happening in the US (or N. America), just not as fast. I have no problem with the browning of the caucasian races, as long as it doesn't interfere with the established governmental systems. If they (immigrants) want to join our respective countries & cultures, great. Just leave the baggage at home. I have no desire to see (example) France turned from a socialist pig elitist democracy into a theocratic Muslim dictatorship. Stand up when the newbies arrive with better ideals.
the rise of right wing groups, such as the bnp [british national party] has been in specifically targetted areas, rather than a country-wide approval.

i believe in a philosophy that puts nothing above anything else. muhammed said many things, much of it on law and doctrine but that is no different to things written in jewish texts or the old testament. multiculturalism is not simpy about islam, there are other religions and cultures, even at home that can be shared and celebrated.
john locke gave us that tolerance, i say excercise it.

most people are not fundamentalists or extremists but every religion has their share.

a multicultural society is not just about religion, it includes culture, arts, science etc. in the uk we have a burgeoning asian-uk music scene, i am not asian but i love the music and feel every right to listen and enjoy it.

actually, i retract my statement on villages where english is not spoken, you can find them in wales and scotland where they speak languages that pre-date english. damn immigrant saxons bringing their language and not accepting local culture ;)
gonz, france is a more conservative country than many in europe, i think socialist is a little easy on them. they, like denmark, holland and norway have all elected right of centre parties [on immigration tickets] in the last 3 years, but france was that way inclined already.