What is it about women who sing in Russain?


It started with tATu for me (the English versions suck compared to the Russian ones), then I starrted seeking out other Russian women singers. Something about the way that language rolls off a beautiful woman's tongue just sounds very good to me. One of my new favorites is Tatiana Bulanova. Actually it started years ago when I was in love with a Russian girl named Katska, and her accent used to just really get to me too....LOL Before you know it I'll be seeking a mail order bride LOL.....NOT!

Does anyone else have this strang attraction to the sound of a foreign language you don't begin to understand?
You should check out Ruslana as well. Russian and Ukrainian are very similar and she's an unbelievable artist. I have her CD, Wild Dances and it's wicked. Plus bonus for me, I speak the language, but I have no accent.
markjs said:
Something about the way that language rolls off a beautiful woman's tongue just sounds very good to me.

Ugly fat chicks with great voices need not apply?