What is school violence?

Yep, let's do away with corporal punishment, and any kind of standard
family structure, and them blame it on some physical problem like ADD.
The kid was just expressing himself, geez. (*shoots self in foot smilie*)
Now Cat we dont want to have an influence like that.

Several factors lead to it. So why do so many want to pinpoint just one?
freako104 said:
Now Cat we dont want to have an influence like that.

Several factors lead to it. So why do so many want to pinpoint just one?

Because these situations occured at a much lower rate when swift corporal punishment was still an option at the elementary and middle school level. Please read your history before you write your responses. It would make things much easier. ;)
I'm for corporal punishment for adults as well. Flogging or caning is a very useful behavior modification tool. And this jackass was not the victim.
chcr said:
I'm for corporal punishment for adults as well. Flogging or caning is a very useful behavior modification tool.
Man how I wish that would be made into law. :spank2:
Yep. Twenty nice red and purple welts on your back for drunk driving and you'd think long and hard about doing it again, I don't care who you are.
chcr said:
Yep. Twenty nice red and purple welts on your back for drunk driving and you'd think long and hard about doing it again, I don't care who you are.

Naahhh...You get caught drinking and driving, you get to keep your license...but you lose your car. Property of the state. If it belongs to somebody else, they should've known better. If you still owe money on it, you still have to pay, but the state still keeps your car. Here's the best part...your name goes on a national database, and if anybody sells you a car after that point without approval from the state, the seller loses the car and get's no payments at all. Yes. This includes private sellers.
Gato_Solo said:
Because these situations occured at a much lower rate when swift corporal punishment was still an option at the elementary and middle school level. Please read your history before you write your responses. It would make things much easier. ;)

Oh I didnt say it happend more or less back then. Just that there is more than one thing that makes kids do it. ;)
freako104 said:
Oh I didnt say it happend more or less back then. Just that there is more than one thing that makes kids do it. ;)

And it only takes one thing to get it under control/wraps...;)
yea but Id rather people use that one thing then let it happen. Sadly they dont seem to care too much to do so.

or its PC. Which is a bit more accurate