What is the scariest movie you ever saw?


For me it was a toss up between a real life documentary on John Wayne Gacy, and a movie dramatization of Jeffrey Dahmer. I can't tell you the names of either film, but what scared me about them both is the fact that they were real.

One movie that I have only seen screenshots of because I know the movie would freak me out is "Ed Gein". Eddie Gein was a big part of the inspiration for Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Silence of the Lambs. The guy was a freak who wore the skins of his victims *shiver*.

The scariest fiction film I can remember seeing was M. Night Shymalans "Signs" That one spooked me because I felt like "gee, that could really happen!"

I was a weeee tot, and it was the second feature at the drive-in. We stayed up 'til she was having things thrown at her in the shower, and We left in a cloud of dust. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but if Mum and Dad were that upset, to leave after having paid, it had to be scary. So, accordingly, I was afraid.
Silence of the Lambs


anything based on a real situation to me is scary

also the Ring kind of was scary.

Dark City is awesome and it messes with your head so in that sense it is scary.
The Sound of Music *shudders*

First telly thing I remember being terrified at was Saloms Lot (tv version).

Oh.......and Dr Who....the original "hide behind the couch" show :lloyd:
Cape Fear

Saw it when I was much too young to see such movies. Scary movies and I now do not get along. Did some messing with me head it did.
The Ring scared the crap out of me - I couldn't sleep well for nights after watching that freaky movie.
SexyBoo said:
The Ring scared the crap out of me - I couldn't sleep well for nights after watching that freaky movie.

Then you must seek out the orginal Japanese version entitled Ringu. It's better still.
The Birds. Hitchcock was the master.

Edit--Even today, if I see a lot of birds in one place, I watch those little suckers.:D
markjs said:
Then you must seek out the orginal Japanese version entitled Ringu. It's better still.

I wanted to see that. it is supposed to be scarier. the Manga for the Ring was pretty cool.
David Lynch in general has some really fucked up movies.

Lost Highway
Elephant Man
Wild Hearts