What it's like elsewhere when bad sh*t happens here


New Member
My parents left on a trip to Germany and Italy a few days after Hurricane Katrina made its illegal immigration into this country. They just got back today (Sunday). One of the things I asked them about was how do the people over there feel about what's happened here, what do they think about it.

They said when they first got there, it was the main story on the news, and it was pretty much the only thing on the news. I am also pleased to report that, according to my parents, the reaction there was pretty much the same as our (Americans') reaction is when something similar happens in another country, like the typhoon in Indonesia. People talked about how horrible it was, how sorry they were for the victims, the quality--or lack thereof--of the government's response--or lack thereof. There were organized collection, donation, and relief efforts, just like there are here when something bad happens somewhere else.

It's good to know that others care about us, just as we care for them. I hadn't expected otherwise, of course, but it's still good to know it.
Re: What it's like elsewhere when bad shit happens here

The only ones who don't like us are the liberals. Ours & theirs.

ps...no cursing in the title