What it's really about


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
As anyone who knows me knows, I've flipped back and forth during this whole campaign time and time again. There are things about Bush that piss me off to no end. I still don't think he was honest with us about the war, I think he uses religon to guide him and our country too much, and he still looks like a monkey.

Kerry rated a little lower for me. His "Plans" for everything were nothing more than the exact opposite of anything Bush proposed, which to me was worse. He tried to use the hate that many people have for Bush as his weapon of choice. That was wrong.

Anyway, the point of this post is this. We are Americans. Well, some of us anyway, and those of us that are should be damn proud. We have just had the highest voter turnout since 1968, with many states posting record turnouts. Now, as Americans we have a duty to support our country. Now, I'm not saying to blindly support everything Bush says, but he is OUR president now.
Oops. I guess we're back to "it's un-american to disagree." I had been hoping we were past that. Oh well.
Disagree all you wish. As long as you remember that politics stops at the waters edge.
I don't know that zinger. Is that when dissenters get pushed off the plank?
chcr said:
Oops. I guess we're back to "it's un-american to disagree." I had been hoping we were past that. Oh well.
No, that's not it at all. Or that's not what I meant anyway. I am worried about the division that this country is in, there seems to be more radicals on the edges than sane people in the middle.
PT said:
No, that's not it at all. Or that's not what I meant anyway. I am worried about the division that this country is in, there seems to be more radicals on the edges than sane people in the middle.

Amen bro. *peace*
PT said:
No, that's not it at all. Or that's not what I meant anyway. I am worried about the division that this country is in, there seems to be more radicals on the edges than sane people in the middle.

That's cause the radicals on the edges are good press, PT. The sane people in the middle outnumber them, but we're boring. :swing:
chcr said:
That's cause the radicals on the edges are good press, PT. The sane people in the middle outnumber them, but we're boring. :swing:

How can you be in the middle when i'm in the middle? It's just not possible. :bginvade:
PT said:
We have just had the highest voter turnout since 1968, with many states posting record turnouts.
Yeah, thanks to all the "Get out and vote" campaigns on television, radio, and the internet directed at teenagers. Yup, great idea, let's stir the pot with votes from a whole new generation of people who don't know any better. I'd just as soon let people decide for themselves when they care enough about politics to vote and make a stance. Once they have achieved this caring about politics thing, they can do the research on their own time and make a well thought out decision on who to vote for. Urging people to vote is not just senseless, it's downright stupid. It is wrong to force the issue on people who don't really have an opinion (or at least don't have the right opinion due to either being misinformed or rushed into forming one). What if they make a hasty decision and vote for the wrong guy?
I think any of us can make the wrong decision fury. And actually from what I've read the young voter turnout wasn't that great. It was just an all around good turnout election. People cared. Whether you cared either way tells me that people are starting to care about the direction our country is going, and that's a good thing.
The "Youth Vote" in 2000 was 17%.
It didn't appreciablly change in 2004.
Gonz said:
The "Youth Vote" in 2000 was 17%.
It didn't appreciablly change in 2004.
Thats just it. While many, many young voters signed up and voted for the first time (which people thought would toss the entire election up in the air), just as many non-regular-voting adults turned up at the booths as well. It evened itself out. :shrug:

I think I heard somewhere that it didn't even change a percentage point.