What the flock?

"We're dealing with adults here once again and I don't think it's the city's job or the government's job to determine what we can and cannot play in our restaurant," Rousseau said.

Yep yep.

Wanna pass something to cut down on the rowdiness? How abut enforcing a law already on the books instead. Hold bartenders and servers responsible for overserving their patrons. 2 drink per hour max. No exceptions. A pitcher of beer is NOT one drink either. As the hour chimes on the clock, all patrons wishing to drink must come to a designated area and obtain no more than two "drink vouchers" or whatever. They must be double-signed...once at reception, once at redemption, to discourage bartering. Any bartender or server caught exceeding the limit is fined $500 on the spot, plus revocation of their ABC license for six months. That'll stop 'em.
That still gives the gov't babysitting authority.

The 98lb chick with the big boobs-she is a lightweight. A glasss of wine buzzes her. The biker guy in the corner, that pitcher is a glass (that was me at the rock clubs).

The laws that need enforcement are the assault & DWI laws.
I agree. I said IF you wanna enforce this, not that you should.

As to the pitcher = one drink...been there done that m'self. My waterin' hole of choice back in M'boro, a divine little joint called Toot's, used to offer a carafe of ice to put inside the pitcher to keep it cold. I laughed and told the little piece of tail waiting on the table to just keep the damn thing full.

And don't let them little 98 pound topheavy bombshells fool you. I know a few that can drink us both under the table.
This is something I would've thought Californian, but was I ever freaking surprised...

california my ass. profane music? that's the kind of moralizing shit that i'd expect to come out of.... exaclty where it's coming out of...

in california it would be more like a law forcing an hourly moment taken by everyone at the bar to acknowledge crimes against (insert name of randomly selected, oppressed group). a different kind of moralizing.
Trying to legislate enjoyment out of existence and people think we're not a theocracy.
It's things like this that make Ron Paul more worthy of looking at...sadly.

I think Fred is on the good side of this too.

I figure Hunter may drop soon, hope not. (His site was hacked earlier today, but is fixed)

I guess I may back Thompson soon anyway, after word Newt has backed him.

If both go out, I'm lost.
california my ass. profane music? that's the kind of moralizing shit that i'd expect to come out of.... exaclty where it's coming out of...

No shit, California isn't bible belt. We like our obscene music.

This seems perfectly fitting for Missouri.
This is something I would've thought Californian, but was I ever freaking surprised...

it's no wonder 'ol spike done got cufused when your original one-liner postlet makes the interest appear more to be rooted in gato's eternal quest to lampoon all things leftcoastish rather than the obviously present issue of regulating a business.
it's no wonder 'ol spike done got cufused when your original one-liner postlet makes the interest appear more to be rooted in gato's eternal quest to lampoon all things leftcoastish rather than the obviously present issue of regulating a business.

I trust most folks here to see beyond the 'one-liner'. Its how I seperate those who have a modicum of grey matter from those who can't see beyond the obvious. ;)
What spike doesn't realize is this is about regulating a business, and not, necessarily, about profanity.

I realize that just fine. Regulating a business in way that would never happen in California. Got to be able to see the obvious.