What the??? What is wrong with this picture.


Well-Known Member
I just finished having a very in depth discussion about Artificial intelligence with a friend of mine and afterwards i sat down to play a game of solitare. Here's how the game turned out.

What the?!? Weird! I have never ever in all my time seen this happen before.
Perhaps the 7 of clubs fell to the floor. Have you looked around the base of your chair for some runaway script?
unclehobart said:
Perhaps the 7 of clubs fell to the floor. Have you looked around the base of your chair for some runaway script?

Wait...before i look down lt me first see if i can bend this spoon with my mind...
My kids must have been playing with them. That's all I'm saying.
Perhaps its an issue to be hashed out in the next service pack. It should only be a quick shore up of the memory taking a mere extra 32 meg of RAM to hash out.
The 7 should be below the 9 of hearts, or at least that's what I see.
I can afford the memory but I gave up on service packs last month. The last tim i installed a SP it was figuring out which of my disks were illegitimate and wouldn't install the software. I still don't know which update was the smarty.
I just figured that out luis. I've got 20/20 but i couldn't see the card until i started playing it backwards just now and found it at the bottom of the pile. I guess that means i'm obsolete.
It'll still require a service pack to get the cards to be stacked the right way, though. You're normally supposed to be able to see more of the card than that.