What to do in Georgia

Kee-riist, Cato. How long does it take to get to everything there? Nice campground. Big. And water taxis?

Very different mentality, I guess.
It takes 4-5hrs to get there from my house.
Maybe 3-4 from HL's.

Better campgrounds up around here. (maybe a little north)
They are only about 1 to 1-1/2 hrs From HL's.
Actully Prof., you could camp out in my yard here, fish, cook out, build a fire... :nerd:
Then only have a 1hr drive to HL's.
why don't we just take ya'll to the botanical gardens. we can hide out at closing time and then, when everyones gone ya'll could camp out? be alot safer there. no bears, raccoons, venomous...venomeous...poisonous snakes!
I knew about the snakes. Bears don't scare me (we've hungrier up here). And racoon meat is great in stew. But someone, somewhere forgot to mention that 'gators made it up from the everglades.

Anything else you guys wanna let me in on? Killer bees? Vampire bats? Exploding frogs?
catocom said:
It takes 4-5hrs to get there from my house.
Maybe 3-4 from HL's.

Better campgrounds up around here. (maybe a little north)
They are only about 1 to 1-1/2 hrs From HL's.

Mapquest says 40 mins??? You're not driving that backhoe, are ya?
Gators don't get this far north.
They stay down below Atl.
There a some big ass logger-head snappin' turtle here though.
Professur said:
Mapquest says 40 mins??? You're not driving that backhoe, are ya?
Shit, it that's an hour going 10mph over the speed limit,
and the limit is 75 at least half the way.
See they also don't take the traffic into account. It can take an hour
or more to go 1 mile, if there's a wreck.
i'm afraid all i can offer you in the way of wildlife at my house are 3 housecats and the ever-feared, blood curdling chipmunk.
The Okefenokee is all the way down on the Florida border. It would be bloody well 9 hours of a round trip. If you blokes were still thinking of hitting the surf, it might be a doer on the way out or back. Keeping it close to the city, I would say Stone Mountain or Lake Lanier. Tucked up more into the northern hilly terrain is Unicoi, several falls, mean rivers (like the place where they shot Deliverance), the Bavarian-esque town of Helen. The Ren-fest ends on the 5th... so its out.
I called the missus while she was at her folks house for lunch. Her brother has dsl, so I gave her the link for stonemountainpark.com. She's still gibbering, but I think that may be a go.
4 hours one way. And hell, no I'm not "up for it". The locals are smarter than to try that shit. We save that for the tourists. :p

We have Stone mountain, Six Flags, an excellent zoo, and others. I think we can skip the gator swimming.
Seeing how Hotlanta has grown, the only thing to do in GA is get out. GA20 (between 985 & I75) is a clusterfuck. Too many white people & not enough land.