What will you be doing in 52 weeks?


Well-Known Member
What will you be doing in 52 weeks?

Weeping, cheering, or wrapping duct-tape around your head..

As it looks today, I'll be doing the latter.

If her royalness loses, I'll be at best, thankful, . . . . very thankful.

Election day/night has been of clenched teeth and page refreshing 'til dawn in the last few cycles. A mood swing every minute.
I'll be watching Jon Stewart to find out the shape of our southern neibours political landscape

Hillary takes a cue from the master:



Of the political pummeling Hillary Clinton endured at last week's presidential debate it can be said she had it coming.

Riding high in national polls, Clinton has been campaigning as if she doesn't want voters to know what she would do as president. She has waffled, evaded, ducked, obfuscated, parsed and misled when pressed for answers on politically delicate issues such as Social Security and illegal immigration. And Slick Hilly (remember Slick Willie?) got away with it until Wednesday night's debate in Philadelphia, where she stumbled badly two months before the primary voting begins in Iowa and New Hampshire.
