What's with Fear Factor these days?


Kissy Goddess
I thought Fear Factor was cool when I first started watching it. Then it got really phreaking gross... PIG UTERUS and PIG ANUS??? Jeez!

Now they have stunts like walking on shattered glass! Last week it was having 10 needles pierced through your arm, each needle getting bigger.. then once all 10 were in, they removed them and these people were bleeding!


Now it's just getting even more stupid.... like it was smart to begin with, :rolleyes: but really.

What I don't understand is, how can the producers NOT be liable for some kind of major accident? Like a shard of glass cutting a vein or who knows what...? Are people so stupid as to sign away at a no-liability clause for $50,000???
Broken glass?! Geez. I didn't see that one.

The ones that scare me are the ones where they're climbing a ladder or something and if they can't make it, they're supposed to fall into the water. There was one person I saw who got their leg caught up in the ladder on the way down, that could cause some big time injuries. Some of them come back to the group with bruises already forming on their arms and legs, I could imagine what they look like later. :sick: