What's your favorie TV shows? Why?


Of course there will be division on this matter because of the geographical differences represented on this board, but I am American and I can only go with whats available on my wonderful DirecTV sattelite dish (with TIVO and DVR).

My favorite drama currently is Law & Order, Special Victime Unit. I adore the acting and it's so compelling because the crimes are so heinous. Some may say they push the envelope but I think it's important that art immitates life and parental discretion is definately in order. I am also fascinated by the Jungle that is New York City. A close second favorite is Law & Order regular.

My favorite comedy used to be Friends. I know I'll take heat for that but I just found the show to be light and funny and the characters to be likeable. A close second there is Scrubs. I think it's a brilliant new up and coming comedy with hilarious characters.

On an international note I also have just discovered Coupling on BBC america. It is quite funny and I am beginning to become a follower of it. Still no british humour had a more profound effect on me than Monty Python's flying Circus and even to a lesser degree the Benny Hill Show.

TV is basically a waste of time but it makes for compelling entertainment when you find those rare gems.
Charmed, although the show sucks as of late, I'm a fan and will remain loyal and watch until the end. *sigh* The first three years kicked ass.

reno911!, I hate COPS, but this show is hilarious! I'm newly addicted to it.

Joan of Arcadia, wow. I've only caught a few episodes, but it's definately on my top list of shows.

I have more I like and will post later, but these three are the current "IT" shows for me.
markjs said:
My favorite comedy used to be Friends. I know I'll take heat for that but I just found the show to be light and funny and the characters to be likeable.

I was a Friends fan too.
I never missed an episode American Idol, but I think I get credit for not watching any other reality show. ;)
I also like Will & Grace.

Other than that, the only tv I watch is Dora the Explorer and Blues Clues.
I haven't watched TV in a long time, but when I did, my favorite shows were:

L.A. Law - Classy, quirky, excellent scripts, good acting.

Miami Vice - Well, it was really kewl at the time. Crockett's sailboat looks just like mine (minus the gator), and the speedboat and cars were kewl.
Jan Hammer's theme music and the soundtracks were spot-on.

Ally McBeal - Yeah, I know. So what. It was funny, quirky, and I have a major crush on Portia de Rossi. :blush:
i liked Ally McBeal too Sharky.
24 - best show. every week i didnt think they could keep it interesting, but they did
Friends, Will & Grace, ER - bored with them now. still watch more out of habit than anything
Frasier - consistantly well written and very funny
Real World - the first few season were interesting. went downhill very fast.
Worlds Scariest Police Videos - some amazing footage. the host is an idiot, but i like the clips.
I second 24, that show was addictive. I'm a huge fan of the Simpsons, other than that, I don't watch all that much TV except baseball and football.
Scarily enough, I have shed all shows from my diet. I now subsist on public broacasting or history one-offs ... and movies.
I thought I was the only one who liked "World's Wildest Police Chases". The proper way to watch, Spot, is to have a beer in your hand and make sure your belly is exposed and hanging over your belt.

*realises that he has absolutely no idea what is being broad cast the moment*

Mebbe tis time I gave telly another whirl........
*The O.C
*WWE Smackdown(yes, I like professional wrestling, so what?)
*That 70's Show
*Will and Grace
*The People's Court

And to all the "Friends" fans, I willingly admit that I have never, in the years of the show, seen a single episode of Friends. Now that it's finally over, I hope I never will, it just never caught my attention.
Scrubs - Simply the best comerdy on Primetime right now.

Reno 911 - Ingenious simply because someone finally did a parody of cops. The fact that it is brilliant helps too.

Southpark - Brilliant...if the cartoony and the obvious lack of maturity disgusts you right away then you didn't deserve to watch the show anyway.

Wild Boyz - It looked really stupid...it really did but then I saw it and realized it is hillarious and educational.

Cowboy Bebop - What is it about cartoons that rival best action movies in action sequences, best dramas in humanities portrayal of vulernability and emotions and best comedies in subtlety and delivery. If you skipped over this show because it is an anime then......you didn't deserve to watch it in the first place.
IDLEchild said:
Cowboy Bebop - What is it about cartoons that rival best action movies in action sequences, best dramas in humanities portrayal of vulernability and emotions and best comedies in subtlety and delivery. If you skipped over this show because it is an anime then......you didn't deserve to watch it in the first place.
I congratulate you! You have been enlightened!
I hope you watch all 26 episodes as well as the full-length movie, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door".

Well, first i'll bore y'all by listing a few animes:
Coyboy Bebop - as described by IC. One of the best animes i've had the pleasure of watching.

Vandread - There's something about this show that makes me shiver in delight every time i watch it. The amount little details, like Pyoro and Paiway, is what makes this show great. It also has a few sad/deep moments, e6s1 "What a Wonderful World", for example.

Excel Saga - This show is hilarious. It's the very definition of funny. A must-watch if you're into anime.

.hack//SIGN - A beautiful series with an interesting story as well as an incredibly nice soundtrack composed by Kajiura Yuki. It contains a well-mixed assortment of various emotions.

'Normal' Shows

The Simpsons

CSI - The original series only.

South Park
Kawaii said:
I congratulate you! You have been enlightened!
I hope you watch all 26 episodes as well as the full-length movie, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door".

Saw it in original language months before it came out on theaters.

The Simpsons

How did I forget...I am not worthy.
lacemyster said:
*The O.C
*WWE Smackdown(yes, I like professional wrestling, so what?)
*That 70's Show
*Will and Grace
*The People's Court

And to all the "Friends" fans, I willingly admit that I have never, in the years of the show, seen a single episode of Friends. Now that it's finally over, I hope I never will, it just never caught my attention.
Unfortunately, you don't get bragging rights, cos you admitted to watching Will and Grace. :p

Cowboy Beebop! I love that show! Unfortunately, we don't get it on tv, so I had to buy the DVDs. :mope: Crappy NZ tv. :(