What's your limit of what kind of movies you'll watch?


Staff member
For me, I'll pretty much watch any movie except some boring romance movie (unless it's a comedy as well). Where others absolutely refuse to watch movies like Starship Troopers and Saving Private Ryan because of too much gore, I welcome lots of gore in a movie. I dunno, I guess I'm just sick like that. :D

I'm often hooked by sci-fi/fantasy movies like Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, etc. and will even watch the occasional horror movie, if only for the horror movie humor inside the movie (as in, e.g., Scream). But I never seem to get those nightmares that mom always said I'd get from watching scary movies. :headbang:
I'll watch almost anything 'cept for really gory things! I can't handle too much blood and guts!

But I don't think I like one certain kind of movie...most of the time, it'll depend on who's acting in it
I have no limitations other than hating stupid movies. I was watching over the top demon slaughter rape flicks at 6 and trying to get my mom to watch. She was sooo squeamish.
i can watch any degree of violence and gore (just ask Justin) :D

however i can't stand "slow" movies
There's a such thing as a good teen romance movie?

For those who think they have no limits...watch Stanley Kubrik's "A Clockwork Orange", starring a very young Malcolm McDowell. Interesting view on the then-future society...
Gore has it's place in movies. Saving Private Ryan is a good example. How the hell are you gonna make a movie about combat without showing what really goes on? It helps you feel like you're in the movie and, if the movie's done right, feel like you may understand a situation. Friday the 13th type of "gore" is just cheesy.
anything except gay porn. ill let LL watch that as long as im nowhere near him. but ill watch anything especially if a girl wants to see it with me
Man, this board is full of :gay: and
LastLegionary said:
I don't usually watch gay porn.

usually?........does that mean that "occasionally" you watch gay porn?

fuck........you are sick and :gay: