When is American spring break?


New Member
Tomorrow, March 1st. I am heading down to Florida for 10 days! Will I be there for your spring break? :D

Once again, I am going to bitch about your drinking age... I turn 21 in April. :mad: I have been drinking legally in Canada since I was 18!

I guess I can trade my beer and -10 for your sun. I never had a problem getting beer last time I was down anyways. The lady ID'd me, looked it over and handed me back the beer ;) I had just turned 20 at the time.
tonksy said:
They don't have strippers in TN?
Only when the wind picks up when they're on the way to the outhouse.

SnP, you are going with indoor plumbing in the new place, aren't ya?
AllEars' said:
Not for him....LOL

Stinks up the joint, does he? A cottage up near ours used to have an outhouse. It had plumbing, but they'd never torn down the old shitter because one old woman that stayed with them used it. (Probably coz she didn't want looks from the stink.) Well one time when she was in it, the neighbours brother-in-law was cutting down a tree and damned if the tree didn't go in the wrong direction and slap that ol outhouse with it's outter branches. No harm (save for someone getting the shit scared outta them, lucky place for it) but it took us 20 minutes to cut back enough branches to get her out.