When the taxman meets the dope man


Southern Discomfort
Try. I dare you. Read this article and when you get to the part about the two collection methods, try not to laugh at the first one. I didn't make it.

God love Tennessee...we try, I swear we do.

Drug dealers can go to any of the state revenue offices within 48 hours of coming into possession of unauthorized substances. They pay the tax and get a ''stamp'' to put on the drugs showing they have paid up. They would not be required to give their name, address, Social Security number or other identifying information. State tax collectors would be constrained by taxpayer privacy laws from reporting them to police. Still, state officials say voluntary payment is unlikely to happen often.
Good effing luck with that. Is anyone dumb enough to think that they would be able to walk in and out without seizure, arrest, or being identified for future study? ... feh.
Lessee, "I'm selling drugs, but I sure as heck don't want to get in trouble with the IRS."

I'd be more scared of the IRS than the state. The IRS gets their money.