When will we learn?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Not we, the US, but we, the watchers & participants of history. Time after time after time we try to cut the bad guys a break & time after time it's all for naught.

JERUSALEM – Just one month after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon evacuated his country's military forces from the Gaza Strip, officially ending Israel's presence in the area, IDF troops are now deployed along the border preparing to reenter Gaza for a possible ground offensive that could take place within hours, WND has learned.

Jewish residents along the Israeli border with Gaza tell WND ground troops backed by IDF tanks began amassing this morning and are currently on standby awaiting orders to enter the Gaza Strip. They say the army has warned Palestinian civilians to leave select northern Gaza areas routinely used by militants to fire rockets into nearby Israeli towns.

Gonz said:
Not we, the US, but we, the watchers & participants of history. Time after time after time we try to cut the bad guys a break & time after time it's all for naught.


Ummm... haven't I heard this before...

Speaking of which, how long till Saddam is running Iraq again...