where have all the wmds gone?


New Member
All that nasty stuff.....hmmmmmmm how did hussien hide it all in such a short time. but the big question on action news is were they ever there to begin with? Its very obvious all the amounts bush said were there couldnt be hidden that fast and if we are suppose to have the best observations systems in the world and didn't detect them moving them. So it was all a lie and bush had other motivations for this war. Lets face it......if they found some tomorrow it would be insignificant to the world. Our CIA is now pointing fingers at the bush administration and vs. Bush only wanted this war for personel gain and other interests its very clear. So if hussien killed millions and is a mass murderer what does that make Bush? A war criminal? a mass murderer?......all of above! Bottom line to all this is we were lied to and told a bogus tissue of lies from the start . Seems bush is good at lies. This war was started for oil and nothing else. And in weeks to come we will see where this goes and the end results won't supprise me! The question is you have to ask yourself is if no WMD's are found and this war was fought cause Bush said they had all these weapons. Is Bush a liar? and should he be prosecuted for it? mind you we spent millions on the monica thing and found out bill got a blow job where does this go?
Well.... its post war and still he won't come clean with his 'indisputable evidence'. Instead he trys to rephrase the questions asked by talking about a "weapons program" instead of the WMDs that he swore they had....and even that is with hopeful whimsy.....Meanwhile, he tries to blame Hamas for what was clearly Israel's fault.....and again he uses the "evil doers" cloak to mask it all...I, personally hold a great contempt for him now. And I think a special prosecution is in order. Hes really starting to remind me of Hitler.
Well the Bush family Squiggy are no strangers to Adolf Hitler and his Nazy party. Grand pappy Bush made a fortune with them! And whats worse is our goverment is starting to remind me of nazy germany. All our rights are being taken away under the name of terrorism. Its Bush's grand plan and he has a lot of people fooled and as most of his followers are. If I was a Bush supporter and know or even felt he lied for personel gain I would have trouble sleeping at nights cause I supported someone who killed thousands for personel gain. That makes him worse then Saddam cause Saddam is insane, Bush is oil motivated. Theres no excuse for what he did. He stood in front of the world and said .....Iraq has a nucular weapons program in full bloom and that Iraq has acquired uranium from africa>>>>>>>LIE ....false no program or documents ever exsisted! He also said they 10000 tons of Anthrax >>>>>>>>LIE FALSE no anthrax exsisted....and so on and so on ....lie after lie just to get his hands on the larggest oil field in the world. The thing that makes this all bad and a dark day in American history is that peoples lives were snuffed out for his own gain. And yes your absolutely correct he is a murderous liar. And his speach's they are so hard to listen to the lies and false statements he makes one after another. We don't question these things he says? We tryed to impeach a man less then 4 years ago for a blow job heres a guy who killed thousands and used goverment resorces for his own gain. Where is our heads here in america its like we do nothing unless it directly affects us. This man is bad for our country and I seriously hope he will be beat in the next election or will he rig that one too as he did before in the last one. Theres no winning a war that cost out weigh its outcome. Americans and Iraqies are dead and died for one mans passion for oil when will it end. Israel is another group that is killing people to keep something that doesn't belong to them. And they have our madman in their pockets too. Another false statement by Bush was his linking iraq to aqueda .....theres no connection even our own CIA said so.
Squiggy said:
he tries to blame Hamas for what was clearly Israel's fault.....

Since when? I can clearly remember seeing on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, Israeli soldiers being attacked as they left the areas in question, both now and in the past. I can also clearly remember seeing the aftermath of a suicide bomber blowing up a bus-load of civilians, including women and children with the intent to do just that. That doesn't make the rocket attacks much better (a 4-year old child was killed :grumpy: ), but it clearly shows that, once again, Hamas is not going to let the Israelis live in any kind of peace. Every time the Israelis withdraw, the terrorists pull some kind of attack, and every time the Israelis fight back, somebody cries 'foul'. Worst part of all this is, niether side can lay claim to any of that land. :shrug:
JohnB1000 said:
how did hussien hide it all in such a short time.

Before I even finish reading the rest I'll stop & respond to this bit of non-sense: It took the US 14 months to go from we're going to invade to actually invading. Shit, in 14 months I could hide California from Gray Davis.
JohnB1000 said:
The Jews should just give back their land!

Don't even get me started on that...

Squiggy said:
he tries to blame Hamas for what was clearly Israel's fault.....

Now I know you've lost your mind.
JohnB1000 said:
where have all the wmds gone?

The black market perhaps?

Janes said:
Nuclear nightmare in Iraq

Throughout May, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has expressed mounting concern at the outbreak of looting that has been taking place at Iraq's abandoned nuclear sites - which number around 1,000 in total. JID has commissioned a leading British nuclear analyst to assess the security risk posed by the missing material and the golden opportunities the chaos in Iraq may have presented to international terrorists.

According to eyewitness reports as many as 400 looters a day have been ransacking the Al-Tuwaitha complex south of Baghdad, regarded as the main site for Iraq's former nuclear weapons programme and covering an area of 120 acres. The crowd got in by simply cutting the surrounding barbed-wire fence in the absence of security patrols.

Seals placed at Iraqi nuclear sites by the IAEA during past inspections have been tampered with and metal containers of 300-400kg of natural and low-enriched uranium and uranium oxide, either stolen or tipped out and the containers used for domestic purposes such as milking cows and storing drinking water, milk and tomatoes intended for human consumption. Documents and lab equipment have been stolen, while other materials have been dumped on the floors. The environmental consequences may prove disastrous.

Many drums of radioactive material, including plutonium, were found behind steel doors in Al-Tuwaitha's Building 39, a permanent storage site for low-level nuclear waste. The lock had been broken on Building 55 and readings consistent with thorium, cobalt and caesium were recorded. Some cylinders were emitting so much gamma radiation that the team could not interpret the results. Radioactive material may have been deliberately left there to expose the occupying forces to levels that would prove dangerous.

On 20 May, US authorities finally removed their objection to resumption of IAEA inspections in Iraq. The US has asked the inspectors to examine the plant along with its own experts, and will consider the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq to hunt for the elusive weapons of mass destruction.

The chaos in Iraq is creating the kind of environmental and security risks previously seen only in the territories of the former Soviet Union after 1991.

The Baghdad Nuclear Research Facility, another important nuclear site that has been looted, houses the remains of the Osirak reactor bombed by Israel in 1981 and the USA during the 1991 Gulf war. It contains spent reactor fuel, as well as radioactive isotopes including caesium and cobalt - materials that could be used by terrorists for making radiological dispersal devices (commonly known as 'dirty bombs'). Terrorists could obtain the material either directly or from looters selling material on the black market.
or, mayhaps, you meant these?

Guardian said:
'Iraqis did have Scuds'
Ciar Byrne Wednesday June 11, 2003

Channel 4 News diplomatic correspondent Lindsey Hilsum has admitted that she "self-censored" her reports from Baghdad and did not tell viewers that Saddam Hussein's regime was hiding Scud missile launchers in residential areas, because she did not want to be thrown out of the city.
Hilsum saw a missile launcher in a back street of Baghdad after losing her way when driving to the scene of the first marketplace bombing in the city, in which 14 people were killed.

Although Channel 4 News was not censored by Saddam's secret police, the Mukhabarat, Hilsum decided not to report on what she had seen for fear of being ejected from the city.

"We were not censored. Some of the broadcasters had Mukhabarat with them all the time. Channel 4 News didn't have any problems like that. But there was one occasion when we did censor ourselves," she said.

"After the first marketplace bombing we heard there had been a hit and we were able to go there in our own vehicle. We got lost and a couple of blocks from where the two missiles had hit there was a Scud missile launcher with a Scud on top.

"We then realised the Iraqis were hiding Scuds in residential areas. If I'd said that I think we would have been thrown out the next day," she told a Media Society event last night.

Hilsum thought she had found a way round the problem when the American military issued a statement about the marketplace bombing, saying they had been aiming at eight or nine missile launchers in the area.

However, the Americans later retracted this statement.

"I put in my copy: 'They may have been aiming at missile launchers in the area'. Then the Americans realised that if people put two and two together and realised that if they'd hit one of those launchers a lot more than 14 people would have been killed. Then they changed their minds and said the Iraqis must have hit themselves," she said.

When covering future combats, Hilsum said broadcasters should ensure that if they hire security guards they should not be allowed to carry arms, as happened in Iraq.

The issue was highlighted when a CNN team accompanied by an armed bodyguard returned fire at an Iraqi manned checkpoint in Tikrit. The decision to carry arms was lambasted by international press watchdog Reporters Sans Frontieres, but a CNN spokeswoman denied the broadcaster had set a "dangerous precedent".

"I know this happened in Baghdad - that security officers hired by broadcasters carried weapons. I know it's still going on," said Hilsum.

"If we carry weapons we become combatants and have no right to ask any army or rebel group to respect our independence and we have to be clear as an industry that this is going on," she told an audience of fellow journalists.

Hilsum also said it was a "scandal" that three American networks pulled out of Baghdad before the war began. On top of that, the former Iraqi regime ejected Fox News and CNN, meaning American viewers had no home-grown account of what was going on in the city.

She blamed the withdrawal of the US networks on "pressure from the Pentagon", adding that even small American newspapers had reporters in Baghdad.

"The Atlanta Constitution had two correspondents but the American networks weren't there and that's very serious because it means the Americans don't know what happened," Hilsum said.
Gonz said:
It took the US 14 months to go from we're going to invade to actually invading.

Plenty of time for them to get geared up to use them against the invading force.
So what they had scuds.....a country is allowed to deffend itself and further more Israel has weapons of total destruction what country over there feels safe with the Jews as they are having weapons of a 1st world country? I really don't blame hamas or any of them over there for what they do all these actions of hostility are because of the Jews! If the Jews really wanted peace they'd give back the land they took and let go of all other lands they took and maybe then there would be peace in the middle east ....until then its never gonna stop! In this country we fight for what we believe in .......in the middle east they fight for what they believe in , just more aggressiveness cause its a holy thing to them. Although I disagree with the innocent die for no good reason. But as far as Iraq having scuds big deal thats no reason to invade them and kill thousands Iraqies and as well as americans and the bullshit saying..."ah thats just war" ...doesn't cut it . Bush needs to be brought up on war crimes and thats no bullshit! He invaded Iraq for personal gain and nothing else! Nothing I said here is without fact and history will soon back up what I'm saying. Bottom line Bush will need a pardon before he leaves office!
JohnB1000 said:
So what they had scuds.....a country is allowed to deffend itself

Not under UN Resolutions they weren't...scuds were on teh banned list.

JohnB1000 said:
Israel has weapons of total destruction

They are surrounded by the enemy. Seems like a wise move to outpower when you can't outman.

JohnB1000 said:
I really don't blame hamas or any of them over there for what they do all these actions of hostility are because of the Jews!

Thank you & good night. If you wish to be a bigot you'll have to argue with yourself.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
It has been banded about that Saddam may have actually got rid of all of the WMDs before the latest conflict began.

I doubt whether we will actually ever get to the truth.
that's always a possibility, but would appear to be a supposition unsupported by the surveillence over iraq in the months preceeding conflict. and there was plenty of that from sats, planes, and intel on the ground, as was made clear before the war.