Where the hell is all the poo???


Kissy Goddess
My youngest has been wanting a cat for a long time (his other cat ran away) so my boyfriend picked out this adorable black and white one. She's the devil. Her name is Luna (which I appropriately renamed - Lunatic).

Joey (my youngest) had the cat over at his dad's until recently - so we've had Luna for about 2 months now.

Every couple of days, myself or my boyfriend would go downstairs to clean out the litter box and there's never anything in it :confuse2: We finally (ya, FINALLY after almost 2 months) went on a hunt for her own private lavatory and there's absolutely nothing to be found. Anywhere.

So what does she do??? Hold it in??? :confused:

A few days ago, my boyfriend is in the basement cleaning out some boxes when he sees the kitty come down the stairs and hover over her litter box and then finally she goes in and does her thing. She neatly covered it up. She goes back upstairs to hunt for any leftovers the kids have left on the counters/table.

Not 5 MINUTES LATER our DOG comes down and starts to chow down on the newly deposited goods.


Mystery solved.

Mine do that too at times, the dog and the puppy both :sick:

apparently it's a mineral deficiency...mebbe try upgrading the food doggy gets?
Spirit said:
Not 5 MINUTES LATER our DOG comes down and starts to chow down on the newly deposited goods.

The dogs probably been licking family members faces for the last couple months too :devious: It could have been worse,it coulds been one of your kids coming downstairs to "clean up" after the cat.

But seriously,I'd contact the Vet to make sure the dog isn't suufering any digestive problems,especially if its the clumping kind of Litter.
If the doggies are bitches (and I mean that in the gender sense rather than a comment on conduct!) and unspayed it could be them cleaning up their "living space"... doo-doo can be seen as a trigger for preditors to locate a den... this can be a real worry if there's pups around... and the only way to "get rid" is digestion.

I'd still get it checked out though... eating the kitty lit could be a problem.
I'd have the cat checked, too. If the dog is 'cleaning up' after the cat, then it may be a sign of the cat not digesting the food entirely...

Dogs are nasty...:sick:
alex said:
I don't understand what the problem is. good doggie :D
i mean seriously...it's not like the dog minds...consider it a household chore for him to do in return for food.
I've always had dogs and cats. Dogs eat cat poo. Never saw one that didn't. I think they think it's a delicacy. If it bugs you, arrange the litter box so the dog can't get it's head in. Note that cat poo is probably not the worst thing your dog eats before it licks your face. :lol: