Which LOTR character are you?

You are most like Sam Gamgee
Sam is a hobbit and Frodo's humble servant and friend. Sam accompanied Frodo on his perilous journey into Mordor, saving him several times. His appearance is short with curly thick, brown hair and brown worn hands from his work as a gardener.

You are most like Aragorn
Aragorn is a Man of the West and leader of the Rangers who guards the hobbits. His deeds on the battlefields are numerous. He possesses ruddy good looks, is tall with a noble appearance and long black hair, flecked with gray.

Does anyone know a good blacksmith?.........I've got this broken sword y'see :confused:
i get

You are most like Gollum/Sméagol
Gollum is drastically changed from his original hobbit form by the power of the One Ring. He has large pale green eyes, which aided him in keen night vision. He is withered down to a lean frame of skin and bones, but very strong. He is extremely quick, and can hear the slightest sound from a great distance.
You are most like Frodo

Frodo is the main character and hero of the movie. He is the heir of Bilbo and humble keeper of The One Ring.
As hobbits go, Frodo is of medium height, with thick brown curly hair. He is not as fat as most hobbits. The Fallohide in him makes him lighter skinned then a full-blooded Harfoot.
You are most like Gandalf

Gandalf is the astute wizard and guardian against the Dark Lord.

Appears as an old man with a wise face. Immensely long grey beard, and bushy eyebrows. He is dressed in grey robes throughout much of Lord of the Rings, but after his fall in Moria, he was dressed in shining white.
You are most like Arwen
Arwen is an elf and the daughter of Elrond and Celebrian the most noble lineage of elves in Middle Earth. Arwen (the name means "Royal-Maiden") is supremely beautiful.
You are most like Aragorn
Aragorn is a Man of the West and leader of the Rangers who guards the hobbits. His deeds on the battlefields are numerous. He possesses ruddy good looks, is tall with a noble appearance and long black hair, flecked with gray.

Luis, you cannot be like Gandalf.

I'm on the run from him as it is.

Pls tell me that you are not him coz I'll have to run again if you are.
Ok, so I caved and took the test.


I'm an elf...go figure :)
You are most like Gollum/Sméagol

Gollum is drastically changed from his original hobbit form by the power of the One Ring. He has large pale green eyes, which aided him in keen night vision. He is withered down to a lean frame of skin and bones, but very strong. He is extremely quick, and can hear the slightest sound from a great distance.
Well I can't say I'm particularly happy about being likened to a short fat creature with hairy feet!