Which one's dumber


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You decide.

Unemployed economist tries to sell her soul to the devil
SANTIAGO (AFP) - After three years of unemployment, a desperate Chilean economist offered her soul for sale to the devil on the auction website Deremate.com, hoping the real payoff would be more attenion for the dire straits of her country's jobless.

"Mr. Devil, should you show up, here you have a really precious soul and quite cheap really," Patricia Valazquez wrote, with an offering price of 2.5 million pesos (about 4,300 dollars).

"I am selling my soul, noble, really beautiful and gently used," the 35-year-old mother of a three-year-old added.

That was before the Devil failed to show, but other offers started pouring in, asking what the model number was and if her soul came with any guarantee -- and if she would take a used car as partial payment.

She told AFP Thursday the sale was off.

"It turned out even worse," she said. "Now I would rather just shut up."

Might have wanted to try that first.


Angry Israeli husband burns fortune in cash on front lawn

JERUSALEM (AFP) - An Israeli man angry with his wife over money matters set fire to three million shekels (680,000 dollars) on the lawn of his affluent suburban home.

After reaching the end of his tether in the marital spat, he had opened the family safe, taken out fistsful of bank notes, stuffed them in sacks and dragged them outside, said the online edition of Yediot Aharonot on Wednesday.

"In 36 years, I have seen nothing like it," one fireman was quoted as saying after four fire engines hurtled through Rehovot, near Tel Aviv, following reports of someone trying to set fire to his house.

The firemen were confronted by the banknotes smouldering on the lawn.

A police investigation is underway

I wonder if destroying banknotes is a crime there too?

Aren't banknotes your property and you can do whatever you like with them?

Kudos to the guy that burnt them, I'd rather end up poor than having money related problems.
Luis G said:
Aren't banknotes your property and you can do whatever you like with them?

Not here. They're gov't property. You only hold them for the value they represent. What he did would warrant jail time in Canada.
I fail to see where the actual crime is (in Canada), he burnt his money and the goverment is free from paying those banknotes. There is no harm to society at all.
Its not his property to burn. All government currencies belong to the repective government that made them. Everyone is just a temporary holder.
Modifying currency is a crime here, and I think burning definitely counts as a modification.

For a while, the parking meters in San Luis Obispo didn't accept dimes because some people had been shaving down pennies to put in the dime slot.