Who can we sue?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Survival of the Fittest doesn't work when Doctors do their job.

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Teenagers in Orlando, Fla., are leaping between 80-foot high public parking garages in a new trend called "garage jumping," according to a Local 6 News investigation.

Tim Bargfrede told Local 6 News that he was following friends when he attempted to garage jump and did not make it to the other side. Bargfrede fell six stories and was knocked unconscious on impact.

"I just didn't make it," Bargfrede said.

Bargfrede survived the 80-foot fall but was injured.
D'Assaro is filing a lawsuit against the city of Orlando and the private garage owner for making little effort to correct a potential deadly risk.

"There was a very, very short length of fence that was completely ineffective in preventing this from happening," D'Assaro said.

How about filing a lawsuit against the parents for doing very little to avoid his son becoming an asshole?

What's next, put a fence on the beaches so people won't drown?
Since Bargfrede fell, the City of Orlando erected a partial fence but there's still room for someone to take a dangerous dive.

The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life.

The "Family" says its NOT good enough.....
Maybe they should take their kid to get his head examined, I mean, come on, WTF....... :disgust2:

Did they ever check the kids to see if they were taking some sort of drugs? *poke* reality check

I'd :bitchslap my kid for even thinking about it!
Isn't that what kids do?

If you are doing potentially dangerous activities you should fill out a waiver form. Exconerating the owners of the garage, if you fall.

Then find more dangerous stuff to do, stops you being a fat slob with a heart condition by the time you 25.