Who makes


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
this stuff up? Just check out numbers 2 and 3 for instance...

Overall, the world is getting happier, according to the U.S. government-funded World Values Survey, done regularly by a global network of social scientists.

It found increased happiness from 1981 to 2007 in 45 of 52 countries analyzed.

"I strongly suspect that there is a strong correlation between peace and happiness," said Ronald Inglehart, a political scientist at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, who directed the study.
We can't be happy. GW sucks & gas prices are outrageous & the world hates us & real estate is down & we aren't Europe & we're in a near recession. How can we be getting happier?

I think California has a bigger population than the first 15.
what a bunch of fucking idiots.

"political scientist at the university of michigan" = "twit that has no idea of how the world works but comments from remote armchair assembles survey reflecting own values and amazingly confirms them."