Who, on average, complains more? Men or women?


Well-Known Member
Who takes more time to get dressed? who is the better of the two species?

Don't get cocky and lazy by saying "but in the end we're all equal"......strictly seen from a objective point of view, who is the more worthwhile of two species?.....think about what contributions men have given to history and development of human socities over time and think about women's contributions. Please, if you're man don't just give in and say women for the sake of pleasing the female population here, if you truly feel they are then state your point of view and reasons. Same goes to women though i doubt any woman exists that chooses men as the significant of the two genders.
women do at least i think so. its more females who come to me with their probs on the most part
freako104 said:
its more females who come to me with their probs on the most part

That still doesn't constitute as complaining neccessarily.....women talk about their problems or bitch and moan about them...difference in those two happenings.
Buttcrackdivine said:
That still doesn't constitute as complaining neccessarily.....women talk about their problems or bitch and moan about them...difference in those two happenings.

consider it complainign about life
Men....seriously, you should hear my fiancee and my dad after they come home from work, running errands, getting a haircut, etc.......
Women complain about a lot of things all the time. men complain about things not as often but in a bigger way. Women will mutter comments here and there constantly, as men just kinda say whatever. But when men complain it is a much bigger deal than a little bitching. At least this is how it is on my expierence.
Women complain more often, I believe this is because we are emotive beings and need to give voice to that which we feel bothers us. Also, women communicate more verbally than men do (I think on average women use about 30% - 40% more words per day to communicate than men) - it is within our nature to conseptualise a problem by 'putting it out there' (vocalising). This is probably why some women complain just for the sake of it - almost as if they feel lost if they cannot hear their own voices.

Men are by nature more logical thinkers and will usually tend to solve a problem by themselves before they ask for assistance. This is probably also due to the fact that they do not want to appear weak in any way.

I usually find that when men ask for advise or complain about something it's because they have due reason and are genuinely interested in what you have to say, this is not always the case for some women - they ask for advise, but do not pause to listen to what anyone tells them.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Who takes more time to get dressed? who is the better of the two species?

Don't get cocky and lazy by saying "but in the end we're all equal"......strictly seen from a objective point of view, who is the more worthwhile of two species?.....think about what contributions men have given to history and development of human socities over time and think about women's contributions. Please, if you're man don't just give in and say women for the sake of pleasing the female population here, if you truly feel they are then state your point of view and reasons. Same goes to women though i doubt any woman exists that chooses men as the significant of the two genders.

have you lost your mind??
Who takes more time to get dressed? who is the better of the two species? WTF is that?

i usually enjoy your questions BCD, but this one is definately not a keeper....
If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is bitching at the front door, who do you let in first?

The dog. At least it will shut up when you open the door. :D
In my neck of the woods, it is the men who complain more. The men don't internalize the little complaints of life and think nothing of vocalizing about the little interruptions and aches of life:
pen ran out of ink... !@#$%
stay in your own lane, jackass
where the hell is my wallet?
kids, stop yelling!
jesus, my shoulder hurts today
a pass!? ... good god! doesn't that !@#$% coach know how to play this game?
its raining? ... again?!
90% of the time, the complaints spewing from men are just expressions of elevated frustration at the little momentary chafings of life in general.

Women tend to bottle it up too much and then speak of and hint as to troubles far after its too late to reconcile. When she complains of a habit that you have that is bothering her, you can be assured that it was bugging her 6 weeks ago... but said nothing about it. The long silent pauses and withering stares should have been loud enough if you wern't an obtuse, knuckle-dragging male. A woman would have picked up on it in 30 seconds and started a dialogue.
unclehobart said:
In my neck of the woods, it is the men who complain more. The men don't internalize the little complaints of life and think nothing of vocalizing about the little interruptions and aches of life:
pen ran out of ink... !@#$%
stay in your own lane, jackass
where the hell is my wallet?
kids, stop yelling!
jesus, my shoulder hurts today
a pass!? ... good god! doesn't that !@#$% coach know how to play this game?
its raining? ... again?!
90% of the time, the complaints spewing from men are just expressions of elevated frustration at the little momentary chafings of life in general.

Women tend to bottle it up too much and then speak of and hint as to troubles far after its too late to reconcile. When she complains of a habit that you have that is bothering her, you can be assured that it was bugging her 6 weeks ago... but said nothing about it. The long silent pauses and withering stares should have been loud enough if you wern't an obtuse, knuckle-dragging male. A woman would have picked up on it in 30 seconds and started a dialogue.

you're a good man, charlie brown.
You would figure that having never been married and not having either sisters or a mother growing up that I simply wouldn't have the slightest clue about it... but somehow do.