Who will save this nation?


Well-Known Member
For many years I have stated that America is a nation of cowards. America is made up of many people who fled dictatorships in their home nations for freedom and liberty in America. They would rather leave their circumstance than stand and fight for freedom and liberty in their home nation.

Yet, has anyone reading this ever heard an immigrant speak of their experiences in this nation? Have you ever heard their praise and laudation of this nation and her people as they speak of America? They love this nation. They love what they have been able to accomplish here. East Europeans to East Indians, Southeast Asians to South Americans, they all speak of this nation in laudatory terms and credit America for everything they have.

Yet many "real" Americans, those who were actually born into this freedom and liberty, have nothing good to say about their own country. They blame America for those who hate us. They blame America for every ill throughout the world. They call America "imperialist" and an "empire". They hate their own nation.

The difference between those who were born here, and those who fled here seeking freedom and liberty, is those who were born here have never experienced true tyranny. They believe they know what tyranny is; but those who came here truly know the meaning of the word. America has not experienced true tyranny since we threw off the British over two hundred years ago. As a result, "real" Americans have become lazy, apathetic, and spoiled.

So when it comes to saving this country, preserving what she stands for, and restoring liberty and freedom, it will not be the "real" Americans who will line the trenches shoulder-to-shoulder. It will be the immigrants who came here knowing that the fall of America will leave them no other harbor toward which to flee. America is the last bastion and the last place to flee and they know it. They also remember what they fled from and they don't want that same thing here.

So when the time comes to save this nation, it will be the immigrants who will save it while the real cowards stand by and watch and continue to talk down their nation.

When it is all said and done, they will repeat the immortal words of Samuel Adams to those who stood idly by:

"Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"
No one will save this nation?

Jimmy no one will fight.
Socialism is our new birthright.

oh ye of little faith
you search after signs, but shall find none.

You won't here any talk, unless you hear about arrests.
sorry jim, but you're wrong. those "many" that "blame america" in this case are a very small minority of 22 year-old shitheads wearing che t-shirts and their toadies. you don't need to be an immigrant to be able to stand and fight. but most of us are smart enough to understand that there isn't much going on at this very moment that would be worth fighting for, and the ones that are talking about "raising arms" are a bunch of narcissistic pussies.

serving in a time of war, yes.

going all hutaree, um, no.

i'm also wondering how all this noble immigrant stuff plays out in light of your desire to see immigrants assimilate. i mean, golly, if they take on the local culture and values, they'll be wearing this before you know it...

Sometimes, planting a little seed of paranoia, ans letting it fester,
is better than actually planning.

This propaganda technique is already in use by some on both sides.
It's tough to find the truth in some cases.
Anything that matters.

right.... it's all this big, vague, restriction of access to the truth.

well perhaps it's time to tear these aliens a third corn chute!!!

(i mean the space aliens that have taken over and control all media, which is obviously what is going on, not the kind of aliens that make some around here worry about their jobs and their ability to order an egg mcmuffin.)
Like I said. Those who have lived through tyranny are the ones who will fight against it here. Looks like ol' Gloria is on the Cuban shit list.


Posted on Tuesday, 04.13.10

Estefans' new collaboration hits sour note

[email protected]

If Gloria Estefan decides to sing a tune while hosting President Barack Obama at her home Thursday, she may want to consider her 1989 hit Cuts Both Ways.

'Cause you and I are dangerous

We want too much and life ain't that way

Don't ask for more

Don't be a fool

Haven't we already broken every rule

The Estefans may have broken more than a rule when they decided to host a cocktail reception for the president during his visit to South Florida on Thursday. Estefan, along with husband Emilio, also broke a bond that had united them with Miami's Cuban community, whose members largely oppose the president's agenda.

The Estefans, for their part, have implied that they're simply using the opportunity to increase awareness about the Cuban people's plight. What's more, they note that they believe in supporting good candidates regardless of party.

They would have a convincing argument except for one very important detail: The event isn't merely a conversation about Cuba with the president while sipping a cortadito. Nor is it designed to raise funds for a particular cause or candidate they support.

They are hosting a $30,400-a-couple fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, and, by extension, helping to fund the entire Democratic Party agenda. It's a proactive, partisan stance that goes well beyond, say, deciding to sing at a presidential inauguration or accepting a presidential appointment to oversee a nonpartisan cause.

Mention the Estefans and many no longer conjure up images of freedom and catchy tunes. Now -- rightly or wrongly -- many associate the name with Obamacare, abortion, powerful unions, creation of a welfare state.

The event also means the Estefans are helping to promote Democratic Party candidates, regardless of whether a particular candidate espouses ideas they would support. In other words, the decision to hold the fundraiser is the opposite of their stated belief of being nonpartisan when it comes to choosing our leaders.

Of course, the Estefans can try to assert their belief in partisan neutrality by holding a high-profile fundraiser in the future for the Republican Party. Such a move, however, likely would be viewed as little more than an attempt at damage control. That being the case, Gloria Estefan's hit Seal Our Fate may be the appropriate song for Thursday's event.

Surely, you say, it's not as bad as

You make it sound

If we make a mistake

You can always turn it back around....

Before you know it's gotten way out of hand

In ways that you had never dreamed of

Never worth the price you pay in the end

The announcement that they would host the fundraiser for the president was only hours old when I started hearing friends and relatives talk about throwing away all their Gloria Estefan CDs. Soon bloggers were labeling them as traitors. In one swoop, all the good will they had built with so many followers, all the years of supporting nonpartisan causes such as freedom and human rights, seemed to disappear. In many ways, that's not fair to the couple, who have done so many good things to help our community.

Yet the reaction also is a reminder that, like freedom, celebrity can be a two-edged sword, best wielded with careful forethought. The Estefans, like all celebrities, have the right to support a particular candidate, to support a particular cause. Just as it's their right to support a political party.

Not supporting the Estefans in their effort, well, that's everyone else's right.

It cuts both ways.