Who ya gonna kick around now


molṑn labé
Staff member
Attorney General John Ashcroft, a favorite of conservatives, and Commerce Secretary Don Evans, one of President Bush's closest friends, resigned Tuesday, the first members of the Cabinet to leave as Bush heads from re-election into his second term.
I'm just blown away (now if only I could get simply blown) that anyone even needs to nominate Gore. He had TARGET on his back from day one.
Actually I'm in Shock and Awe
The Lefties are sitting around saying they lost the election because 'Americans are stupid".

It won't be long before they return to thier old tactics of tearing down all that is Right and Holy in America.

Yes who can the next target be, how about when they elect Howard Dean Chairman of the House?

The Dean Scream
Um doh yeah I didn't really pay attention.
Now that our side won who cares for the next 50 months?

He should replace Nancy Pelosi that's one scary broad indeed.

Well great fun was had with Gore when he got fat and grew a beard what can we expect from Kerry\Edwards?
Then there is always Billary.
Well, Kerry's still a senator... and so if he decides to show up he'll be plenty busy with that. Edwards still has his law license so he'll probably sue some more doctors for now and either run next time a senate seat comes up for election in his state or we'll probably hear his name again in 2008.