

Too cute for words

The ethics inquiry, which Palin's supporters have called politically motivated, found that a family grudge was a factor in Palin's dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan -- but not the sole factor. The report says Palin failed to keep her husband from meddling in the discipline of the state trooper, her brother-in-law, following a contentious divorce.

Yes, yes, I know. It's all lies started by those heathen democrats to make god's chosen veep look bad.


Yes, yes, I know. It's all lies started by those heathen democrats to make god's chosen veep look bad.


Now that we know that...what were the other factors? You're getting a "tsk, tsk" on this one because you failed to cover both sides...;)

chcr's source said:
"I think there are some problems in this report," said Republican state Sen. Gary Stevens, a member of the panel. "I would encourage people to be very cautious, to look at this with a jaundiced eye."
Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

What problem?
The ethics inquiry, which Palin's supporters have called politically motivated, found that a family grudge was a factor in Palin's dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan -- but not the sole factor. The report says Palin failed to keep her husband from meddling in the discipline of the state trooper, her brother-in-law, following a contentious divorce.

I guess it's okay with you guys?


You're getting a "tsk, tsk" on this one because you failed to cover both sides...;)
My chagrin knows no bounds.

It got exactly the reaction I expected.
So Officer Wooten swilling beer in the car while on duty, poaching a moosie, tazing a kiddie, and threatening to kill people is no biggie?

Most Americans will love Sarah Palin even more for firing a corrupt cop who used a taser gun on a 10 year old kid. The libs have given Palin a huge victory here.


Given the entire record, I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

Legal Discussion

The governor may discharge department heads without cause. The Alaska constitution provides that department heads "serve at the pleasure of the governor." AK Constitution Article III, section 25. Those who serve at the pleasure of their employers are subject to discharge at will.

In light of this constitutional and statutory authority, it is clear that Governor Palin could fire Commissioner Walt Monegan at will, for almost any reason, or no reason at all.

I guess it's okay with you guys?

Hardly new & hardly unusual. When you fuck with the Gov, you get screwed. Hell, go diddle your bosses 19 year old niece & there's a good chance you'll be hitting the bricks soon enough.
I would have been more upset if she hadn't fired Monegan. Not fireing Palin's brother in-law dirtbag with a badge showed horrible judgement that put lives at risk.
Hardly new & hardly unusual. When you fuck with the Gov, you get screwed. Hell, go diddle your bosses 19 year old niece & there's a good chance you'll be hitting the bricks soon enough.

And that makes it okay?
Hillary supporters opinion of "troopergate:"

Let’s Set The Record Straight On The Sarah Palin “Abuse of Power Reprimand"

It is amazing how the pro-Obama media has gone haywire in reporting the latest Troopergate findings coming from Alaska as some sort of indictment of Sarah Palin.

As has been made abundantly clear in this election, Obama and his cronies in the media keep on using a strategy of “shoot first, ask questions later”, they did it with Hillary, now they are doing it against Sarah.

If you are not going to understand anything else I write about this issue, please understand the next few paragraphs.

Democratic state senator and staunch Barack Obama supporter Hollis French of Alaska boasted in early September that he would provide an “October Surprise” which would upset the McCain-Palin campaign. Indeed, he originally planned to time it for October 31, four days before the election, for maximum impact, until other legislators forced him to abandon that particular strategy.

Yesterday French gave it his very best shot: The investigator he hired and directed, Steve Branchflower, has labored mightily and given birth to a bloated and redundant 263-page report which boils down Branchflower’s guess as to whether Gov. Palin has done anything improper.

Firstly, here is what his most important finding was:

"I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads."

Secondly, Sarah or Todd Palin never asked anyone to fire Wooten, as admitted by Walt Monegan himself:

“For the record, no one ever said fire Wooten. Not the governor. Not Todd. Not any of the other staff,” Monegan said Friday from Portland. “What they said directly was more along the lines of ‘This isn’t a person that we would want to be representing our state troopers.’”

Thirdly, Monegan himself was never fired, he was reassigned to other government duties. Monegan chose to resign rather than work in a capacity he did not want to work in.

Ultimately, the Branchflower Report is nothing but a series of insupportable conclusions drawn by exactly one guy, and it has not been approved, adopted or endorsed by so much as a single sub-committee of the Alaska Legislature which is currently not in session, much less any kind of commission, court, jury, or other proper adjudicatory body.

All that happened is the panel chaired by Hollis French received the report and voted to release it into the public domain as they were expected to do before the report was even written.

Incidentally, the report contains no new bombshells in terms of factual revelations. Just Steve Branchflower’s opinion that he thinks Gov. Palin had, at worst, mixed motives for an action that even Branchflower admits she unquestionably had both (a) the complete right to perform and (b) other very good reasons to perform.

So there you have it folks. Sarah Palin has not been found guilty of abusing power, has not been reprimanded for abusing power, has not been convicted, indicted or censured for abusing power. All that happened is an investigator hired by a partisan committee chair has reported his findings.

Democrats, and this applies to Democrats only. Most of us remember Ken Starr’s Whitewater Investigation against Bill and Hillary Clinton, most of us remember that it was nothing but a witchunt. Most of us spoke up against it then, and most of us should speak up against this now.
My chagrin knows no bounds.

It got exactly the reaction I expected.

Which was? When Bush fired those attorneys, everybody got upset. When Clinton fired those attorneys nobody said anything...and you wonder why you got the response you got? I couldn't care less that she fired that idiot...especially when you look at all the evidence. If she fired him only because of a grudge, you'd have something. Thats why I gave you the 'tsk, tsk'. Bottom line is this...the trooper was stupid for what he did, and the director was stupid for sticking up for him. This whole thing was nothing more than smoke and mirrors for the entertainment of the mindless drones who make up 99% of the population.
If you want to start with the whole pulling her out of his ass in the first place then we're in complete agreement. :D