Who's doing who, what and where?


New Member
I've been out of the loop for so long what's everyone up too for the past year or two. Need more input!

Rick/Fuserman/Rikman/POStech/Spirit's Slave
That it has been. I've been so busy with work and life in general.
I forgot all about this site until I was in Edmonton last week and thought about Spirit. It took me about twenty minutes to try and remember the site name.
Man, I thought you'd pulled one of those "off the face of the earth" deals. things going better with you and the missus now? Last time I saw you there was some bad karma there.
FUSERMAN man its good to see ya back around these parts.
Whre you been hiding? spirits closet again? :lol:
Life is great with the wife. She still don't know that I'm coming to this site. No need to get her upset.

Yes I use to be Spirit's Slave on this site before but I couldn't remeber my password and the e-mail account to that site is no longer inuse so I had to create a new user name.

We went to Mauritius (where the wife was born) last year for four weeks.
It was awsome! Long plane ride though, spent a total of 39 hours in a plane (round trip).

Work is still busy. Doing events down at the Air Canada Centre. I love getting paid to watching hockey and basketball games. I can get almost any where in the building. Was down there last week for the G n' R concert and there were stripers on stage in between acts. Also have been doing a bit of traveling doing installs. Was in Calagry twice last month and in Edmonton last week. Off to Sask. next month.

Here's my little monster playing on his computer.
SHe almost kiled him before (Xibase days). Too much comp time, not enough real time, I think.