Why am I all of a sudden not getting notifications?


All of a sudden I am getting a few notifications but most of them I am not getting when someone replies to a thread?
um...is your notification box still ticked?
if you go into your CP are they listed as subscribed to?
Everything is subscribed to as always. I am not talking about not getting more than one notification per visit to the thread. It is failing to tell me there has been multiple responses to a thread I was subscribed to. I have had trouble with it being slow to notify me but since last night is the first time it has failed completely.
Check your junk mail folder? Some of them might be thrown there since the contents of the post are included in the notification and some posts might set off spam filters.
Also, the emails only go out if people continue to read threads on the board. If it is a particularly slow time and noone reads a thread for a long time, the email queue will just sit there not getting sent out.