Why can't i feel good all the time...


Well-Known Member
Why is it that a burn victim can suffer from agonizing pain by the second(if you've ever suffered excruciating pain then you know what i mean by this) for months on end yet even heroin will only make me feel good for a short period time before i become accustomed to its pleasures.

It just doesn't seem fair...

Life seems to be tilted towards suffering.
It's funny you know... as good as life may be for me now i can look at someone in the hospital puking blood from an overdose and i'm like Jack Nicholson, "i'd give my very soul for just one g-ddamn beer!

Not the beer itself mind you, but that feeling that i could once aquire that is no longer possible nomatter how many lines i do.
I know how you feel. Get that way myself from time to time, thinking, I could easily give it all up and go back to being high all the time. When I was high I didn't care if I had a life, kids, or whatever, it didn't matter, I was high.

It's pretty cool not being high, but damn I miss the feeling from time to time.
ahhh.... Selective memory is an amazing thing. These few powerful moments can overwhelm any individual nomatter how determined their will. The brain likes to remember extacy & pleasure but not pain nor suffering that we endured.
If you've never been much of a drug user that's a fact. Anyone who's been an abuser knows however that it can rob you of anything including even the greatest of love.
And just in case anyone was hoping to start a debate.. know that this was driven partially by a bad day and part by rhetorical thinking.
HeXp£Øi± said:
If you've never been much of a drug user that's a fact. Anyone who's been an abuser knows however that it can rob you of anything including even the greatest of love.

That's a delusion imposed on users.
Before i make any further statement...maybe i should ask you to explain further Prof.
I can say quite simply from my experience that drug addiction can & will rob you of love.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I can say quite simply from my experience that drug addiction can & will rob you of love.
I can second that. The addiction takes hold like nothing you ever felt before. You're willing to not pay the rent in order to have another bag, willing to sell the tools that make your living to get another buzz. I know to non-users it seems rather stupid and foolish, hell, to me looking back I look stupid and foolish, but at the time it is a very real and strong need.
Intellectually, I understand that it happens and it's totally out of your control. I have friends that it has happened to. I guess I'm just not disposed toward it, and emotionally (if thats the right word) I don't understand. I used to go to the bar six nights a week and play guitar, smoke a joint from time to time on a break, drink beer all evening (one between each set unless I started feeling it, at which point I'd stop), etc. I didn't have a problem stopping, don't really miss it except for the companionable feeling of hanging out with people who understood you completely. So, I guess I really can't understand, but I've seen it happen quite a few times.
Hex, if I had to explain that, you'd never understand it. It would be like explaining blue to a blind man.
Ok Prof.
I'll give you the benifit of the doubt that there there is atleast some obscure logical explanation in your mind as to why i couldn't possibly comprehend it because of my experience as a drug addict.

Your experience as a drug addict has nothing to do with it. It has to do with what a father feels for his children. But I'm discovering to my dismay that what I feel for my kids isn't univeral. Leslie's ex being proof to that effect.

But to someone who does understand what I'm talking about, that's an unbreakable anchor.
So your saying that i can't feel the same love for my child? It just so happens that i love my daughter more than anything and my bond with her is as great if not greater than that of what most parents have with their children.
On the contrary Prof, the fact is that you're simply not comprehending this thread.
I never said you couldn't. And you said it yourself. You love your daughter more than anything else. If that's not enough to curb your need, then you need to pay more attention.

And I think I comprehend this thread quite well, thank you. Addiction is not unknown to me. Having lost several family members to their addictions. One quite recently.
If that's not enough to curb your need, then you need to pay more attention.
That's where the misunderstanding comes in Prof. It is enough to curb my actions, but the need is not going to just dissapear. Even love in all its power is not enough to cure addiction. The only thing i can say to describe it is that's it's like hunger, if i go days without eating there is an overwhelming desire welling up within me to eat. Addiction is the same way. That craving is exactly like the craving for food. The only difference is that it lessons with time(thank god). Which is why so many recovering addicts find it necessary to attend meetings even after twenty or thirty years. It's just not as simple as many believe.
Nothing worth doing is easy. And from what you just said, you understood exactly what I said in my first post. The need can be curbed. By love. Once you've got that anchor, you hold tight to it. It's a hunger, that's for sure. But it does lessen with time. Love doesn't. And that makes it easier day by day, until it's broken.

And what you say about needing support 20 or 30 years later, that's God's truth. I'll attest to it myself. I, after 15 years of not smoking, still think about it. Still catch myself with a pen stuck in the corner of my mouth. I could easily pick back up my old habit of 2 packs a day. And that's for lousy tabacco. Heavy stuff's gotta be worse. But that's all the more reason to avoid temptation once you're slipped the noose.