Why do I stay logged in?


Well-Known Member
Even after I repeatedly log out. I just switched to Foxfire from IE6, where this wasn't an issue. Is there some setting I need to check or uncheck?

thata kinda what i was thinking AB. or did you happen the tick box that says to remember me next time i come in?
The question I keep thinking of is why you would want to log out anyway? If you want to run amok unbeknownst, invis thyself.
The reason I don't want to automatically be logged in is that I often just want the window open to read posts at my leisure. If I stay logged in for, say, two or three hours before I'm ready to post, new posts will appear as having already been read after some time, then I'll have no idea what I've read or not read. Also, I don't necessarily want everybody and his brother knowing what a huge loser I am that I have the time (these days) to sit around on the boards all damn day. Yes, the invisible mode would be useful in that respect, but I don't know. I don't want anyone to think I'm being sneaky. If that makes any sense.

Anyway, I don't see any setting for it now, but I think I originally ticked "Keep me logged in unless I log out", but the logging out doesn't ever work now that I have Firefox. :confused:
abooja said:
Anyway, I don't see any setting for it now, but I think I originally ticked "Keep me logged in unless I log out", but the logging out doesn't ever work now that I have Firefox. :confused:

tools>options>privacy>saved passwords
Leslie said:
he meant in Firefox :lloyd:
Aaahhh...Yes, the lobotomy has taken full hold at this point. :retard2:

However, I don't seem to have any passwords stored in there at all. Weird.
The stuff about what has been read and what hasn't flip flops for me all the time. Mostly it just seems to think that I have visited in a given day and rehilights stuff 6 hours after the fact.