Why does youth violence happen?


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
In four decades the percentage of children raised in single-parent households has more than quadrupled. Among the group of young offenders called together by Fortune, not one had been raised in a household with a father.

Now. This is not a slam on single mothers. Don't travel in that direction. It's also not a slam on divorced mothers. Don't go down that road, either. It's about an identity crisis that perpetuates the myth that fathers are not important. While I can agree that more men need to be responsible, it's also not about that. Look for a deeper meaning, and don't rely upon sound bites and propaganda. ;)
The single greatest threat to inner city youths is in this one sentence.

"Your African identity has to be defined by ignorance,"

It's not only the nego identity, it's the poor identity. (Africans should be pissed for another reason altogether)
Montreal teen held in custody for allegedly beating, stabbing elderly woman

MONTREAL (CP) -- A 17-year-old male was held in custody on Wednesday for allegedly beating and stabbing an elderly woman who uses a walker.
The teen faces charges including attempted murder, armed assault and armed robbery.

Three other suspects between the ages of 16 and 24 remained at large.
Martha Taylor Gregory was beaten, stabbed and carjacked near several seniors' residences in the city's north end earlier this week. Her car was parked in a lot next to the residence.
The judge placed a publication ban on details of the proceedings.


Little fuck was 2 days shy of 18. His father was very upset that the judge didn't grant bail. After he confessed. And despite witnesses, claimed to be solo and refused to give up his friends names.
Gonz said:
The single greatest threat to inner city youths is in this one sentence.

It's not only the nego identity, it's the poor identity. (Africans should be pissed for another reason altogether)

We're at a crossroads in our society right now. The elitists have been slowly taking over, and filling our heads, and hearts, with empty promises, and low expectations since even before the slow destruction of the family unit. The biggest reason for ignorance is not lack of learning...it's lack of caring. Why should anyone care, when the government is supplying a larger, and larger, portion of our society with cradle-to-grave food, clothing, and housing? You have no need to work, therefor you must support us, because the next guy might take it away. People like to talk bread and circuses, but isn't it really about something else? ;)
In four decades the percentage of children raised in single-parent households has more than quadrupled. Among the group of young offenders called together by Fortune, not one had been raised in a household with a father.

Not very scientific ,as Fortune may have only put a call out to children of single parents.In Highschool there was a mix of single parent kids and those from families where both biological parents were still married and I'd have to say the ones from single family homes weren't usually the ones in trouble in fact the worst kid was the Ministers son.As Gonz has inferred ,I'd say economics/education has more to do with youth violence than single parent families.
I meant non-school hours. Althought, it's good to see you've straightened your act up :D