Why is everyone here conservative, liberal, or apathetic?


You know I am not one who is scared of labels, but politics is a NASTY business. I'll grant you that when it comes to candidates, I do vote left pretty consistanly. I know I have voted for no more republicans than I could count on one hand, but I am open minded enough I don't vote party line, and I know of at least three republicans I have supported.

The crazy thing if you could look at my ballot initiative voting record, and have a synopsis of my opinions surrounding that, you'd see how truly independant I am.

I didn't start this thread for debate, though I know that it will go where it will go and....well....I really don't care.

I just think this a lot. For a while there was some kind of "mod" movement in this country, people like me that would have much rather voted principles over personalities. Trouble is everyone to the hard right and hard left screamed so loudly about that if you are in the middle, you stand for nothing and are worthless, that independants, just shut up, and melted back into the crowd. They didn't dissapear, they just realized "moderate" is a political "four letter word" and started a period of quietness.

The right has made "liberal" a political bad word and the left, sensitive as they are had to add neo+con = neocon, to make another (and the mere fact that the left is so sensitive they had to leave conservative with some modicom of dignity and make a hybrid word in itself sickens me about liberals).

The only reason I almost always vote for democrats is consistantly what I believe to be the most important issues and where I stand on them makes a man/woman with a (d) by his/her name the lesser of two evils and I always feel like disinfecting myself as I leave the polls....

A lot of things I believe in are right up the alley of what many right leaning people purport to believe in, but admittedly I am not as passionate about most of those issues most of the time....

I actually believe probably most of you are in reality more like me than most of you would feel comfortable admitting, even to yourselves.

But it was on my mind so I blogged in one of my favorite imaginary places....
Speaking only for myself...

I have found myself in a position recently where no candidate represents what I want done. So I vote against the greater of two evils.

I do firmly believe that if you choose to put a candidate from political party ____________ in the White House, you should provide that person with all the help possible to accomplish what you put them there to do. Why vote for a president then hamper that person's ability to enact their initiatives by putting the opposition in Congress? Seems naive to me. And it isn't a reflection on the voter as much as it is a sorry statement on the shape of politics in this country. Congress members cannot put aside party agendas long enough to do their jobs. Well, if that's how they wanna operate, then I'll cast my ballots accordingly. It may cost a candidate my vote, but I believe in supporting the overall picture instead of the individual pieces of the puzzle. And both parties are equally guilty of it. So if I vote for a R prez, I'll put R Congress members in for him/her. If they then proceed to fuck up, I'll go clean slate elsewhere next opportunity I get, UNLESS that alternative is the face of modern day evil (read Klinton).
More directly to your question, why am I conservative?

Because I am not a drooling blithering mentally handicapped morally deficient socially inept idiot. Once that fact is established, all other options are eliminated.

But thanks for asking.
people like me that would have much rather voted principles over personalities

Given a choice, principles win every time. Given standard elections, the lesser of two evils must win. Even then, it's the one closer to my principles that will get a vote. Those who vote party line are assuming that their party is the one that fits their principles. That's why they call themselves (D or R).

I'd vote for a couple of democrats over many republicans. Too bad they don't live n my voting area. By that same sentiment, too bad republicans can't be what they promise to be.
More directly to your question, why am I conservative?

Because I am not a drooling blithering mentally handicapped morally deficient socially inept idiot. Once that fact is established, all other options are eliminated.

But thanks for asking.
Interestingly, that is virtually the exact reasoning behind my being neither liberal or conservative.

Given a choice, principles win every time. Given standard elections, the lesser of two evils must win. Even then, it's the one closer to my principles that will get a vote. Those who vote party line are assuming that their party is the one that fits their principles. That's why they call themselves (D or R).

I'd vote for a couple of democrats over many republicans. Too bad they don't live n my voting area. By that same sentiment, too bad republicans can't be what they promise to be.
Put it another way. The current system of governance is broken. No election is going to fix it. Unfortunately, I fear that by the time enough people who care enough to do something about it are convinced, the applied solution will be neither pretty not bloodless.
My main point is why is it anything you are not is evil and especially how does that equate moderates with apathy.

I guess my whole point in a nutsheell is, how did moderates come out for like one election and then get sent into hiding? I cant remember when it was but one election I remember a hearing about a lot of loud "proud moderates", and a lot of shouting about moderates standing for nothing and being "worthless and weak". And since then you are lib, con or you don't talk about it in polite company?

Another thing I hate about a lot (but not all) you cons though is if you disagree with someone they are defective and worhtless. You take any opportunity to slur them and tell them what shit they are, and that's that. Most moderates and liberals are deep enough and and thougtful enough to realize politics is not the measure of the man. I'll grant you that some libs and moderates act just as much the jackass about their rivals but conservatives are the only ones who are in the vast majority of total arrogance and hatred of politcal rivals. Nothing is absolute and argue it itl the cows come home but I know the "I'm right, you are wrong and because of that you should be excected" is just about a consevative talking point.

Communism did grave injustice to the people of Russia, but the only goverment to try industrialized wholesale slaughter was a conservative goverment. Lives were lost and evil was done in Russia, but out and out, lets kill everything that we wish, and create a master race is inherently conservative.

Just tells me that those who have that attitude are shallow simpletons, no matter what their political leanings.
1. I pretty much don't talk to anyone who most people would consider "polite company." I just don't know those folks. ;)
2. The moderates haven't gone anywhere, we're just not good for ratings on the news. It's the moderates that typically don't turn out for elections because I think most of us realize that it really doesn't matter who gets elected, it doesn't really change anything.
3. Have you also noticed that it's the "shallow simpletons" who talk the most, the loudest and you see on TV most often? Neither the liberals nor the conservatives have the market anything like cornered on such.
More directly to your question, why am I liberal?

Because I am not a drooling blithering mentally handicapped morally deficient socially inept idiot. Once that fact is established, all other options are eliminated.

But thanks for asking.
