Why is this man smiling?


Well-Known Member
Stupid monkey

Obama is nothing short of a national catastrophe,
surely the worst presidential blight to fall on the U.S.
since the woeful Jimmy Carter!

Obama is quite simply the worst possible president at the worst possible time.
We're still waiting to see if Obama can surpass Jimmy. TWO more objectives.
[✔] International Hostage Crisis
[ ] Lose a navigable canal

He's certainly making an effort isn't he?
there's bee a little hostage crisis for a while now, and nort a peep.
Still two so-called hikers in Iran, and under the same wacko terrorist
at that. (aHmyDentedHead)
This man isn't done yet

No way dude this guy will surpass the peanut farmer
by a country mile, he's still got plenty of time to
cause a crisis that he won't let go to waste beyond
even what you can imagine.

BONUS points for doing it in Iran too!

(amended above)
"that's whut ahm talkin' 'bout"
just amazing parallels

then ya got Scotland releasing dude back to Libya.
Obama admin telling Israel where they can't built on their own land.
Praising communist counties at the SotU.
Throwing his base under the bus to try to get ready to get re-elected.

on and on

I will say...he's gotten a lot more accomplish than "do nothing Carter",
but unfortunately it's all been wrong direction.
right. obama made the scots release that guy. i thought it was just because scots are pussies.

why would we support israel? they're SOCIALISTS.

his base SHOULD be thrown under a bus.
right. obama made the scots release that guy. i thought it was just because scots are pussies.

why would we support israel? they're SOCIALISTS.

his base SHOULD be thrown under a bus.

I didn't comment on what Obama Made anyone do.
I was talking about his non-responses.