Why we need freedom guarantees


molṑn labé
Staff member
Historian Charged With Denying Holocaust
The Associated Press
Thursday, November 17, 2005; 10:49 AM

VIENNA, Austria -- British historian David Irving was arrested last week in southern Austria on a warrant accusing him of denying the Holocaust, the Interior Ministry said Thursday. Irving was arrested Nov. 11 in Styria province, said police Maj. Rudolf Golia, an Interior Ministry spokesman. He was transferred to a prison in Graz.

Irving was detained on a warrant issued in 1989 under Austrian laws that make Holocaust denial a crime, Golia said. The accusation stemmed from speeches Irving delivered that year in Vienna and in the southern town of Leoben.

Irving in the past has faced allegations of spreading anti-Semitic and racist ideas. He is the author of nearly 30 books, including "Hitler's War," which challenges the extent of the Holocaust.

He remained in custody Thursday, the Austria Press Agency said. Calls to the Graz court went unanswered.

If formally charged, tried and convicted on the charge, Irving could face up to 20 years in prison, said Otto Schneider of the public prosecutor's office.

But he said it was unclear whether there were sufficient legal grounds to continue holding Irving on such a charge so many years after the alleged offense was committed. A decision was expected by the end of next week on how to proceed, Schneider said.

© 2005 The Associated Press

What he said was stupid. Was it criminal???
Stupid? Without a doubt.

Criminal? As the Austrian law is written, or at least summarized here, I would have to say yes.

Is the law valid? Another debate.
Without being condescending, we have no love for foreign law being enforced or used here in the US, so why should they embrace our laws there?
I thought the EU has (or is working on) a Constitution & the UN has a charter (which the EU, both member & nonmember nations) live by. Included would be Free Speech, would it not?
I'm too lazy to full investigate all the legalese & gobblgook from the EU.

The UN, which is the be all & end of all humanity, or so one would think listening to the eurotrash leaders (that's a poke at the leaders, not the people) has this

December 10, 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

:shrug: [chant]USA USA USA...
Freedom of Speech is dead in Europe.

DAVID IRVING, the far-right British historian, sat stunned and open-mouthed yesterday when an Austrian court found him guilty of denying the Holocaust and sentenced him to three years in jail.

To reiterate, I think what he said was moronic but he should have the right, in a civilzed society, to express his beliefs without fear of being jailed for them. Political Correctness has become pure fascism.

Times OnLine
Gonz said:
I thought the EU has (or is working on) a Constitution & the UN has a charter (which the EU, both member & nonmember nations) live by. Included would be Free Speech, would it not?
I think the idea has been back-burnered because no one can agree on anything? I could be wrong there, I haven't really followed the story because I'll be shocked if they can.
Stupid yes
Criminal: Debateable. I think it would and should have some consequences but as far as criminal I am someone who believes in free speech.
Gonz said:
Freedom of Speech is dead in Europe.

Tell me again why it's good to emulate them.

DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - A German court on Thursday convicted a businessman of insulting Islam by printing the word "Koran" on toilet paper and offering it to mosques.

The 61-year-old man, identified only as Manfred van H., was given a one-year jail sentence, suspended for five years, and ordered to complete 300 hours of community service, a district court in the western German town of Luedinghausen ruled.

The conviction comes after a Danish newspaper printed cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad -- sparking violent protests around the world from Muslims who saw the images as sacrilegious and an attack on their beliefs.

Reuters, since most of you would have scoffed at reading this on The Conservative Voice.
Not only is freedom of speech dead there, but the terrorists are clearly winning.
Doesn't matter. They can throw them in jail for saying anything not nice.
Gonz said:
Doesn't matter. They can throw them in jail for saying anything not nice.
I'd think whether or not it's legal to listen to anyone's phone calls does matter. Unless you don't really care much about freedom and only brought up it up to use as an insult.

chcr said:
Whether or not it's legal, they all can.
Sure, but if it's not legal than they can get in trouble and it can't be used in court. That's worth something.