"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities. ... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." - hatemonger Ann Coulter's assessment of some of the widows of 9/11 victims
It would be my great pleasure to arrange a screening of Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" for Ann Coulter and some of the families whose loved ones were killed or seriously injured on Sept. 11. It could take place in New York, New Jersey, any place, any time, all expenses on me. All I ask is that after the screening is over and the lights go up, Coulter stand and face these families and explain to them why she believes they experienced anything but the most profound emotional pain on that day and on all the days that have followed.
Of course, Coulter will never go for something like that. That would take character and humanity, and she's an unconscionable pig.
However, a number of conservatives whose hearts aren't rotted black have seen advance screenings of "World Trade Center," and from conservative watchdog Brent Bozell to longtime right-wing columnist Cal Thomas, they are singing its praises. Oliver Stone has created one of the most patriotic, pro-American films in recent years - a movie that avoids Bush-bashing and doesn't offer so much as a whisper of a conspiracy theory. It's not about politics; it's about family, friendship and heroes who love their country.