Winky!!! Ammo check

just tragic. :(

It seems there need be more air traffic control of choppers now.
(what with the news competition now):confused:

It's my understanding that it's just kinda left up to the pilots to communicate.

btw, I don't know, but heard that nbc has had more incidents.:shrug:
chase brought to you courtesy of an illegal alien

chopper crash courtesy of lousy piloting skillz

second carjacked vehicle courtesy of not having a gun onboard

crash site 1.7 miles from my home

I went out and watched the smoke rise
and five other choppers orbit the scene heh heh
I don't buy that the fugitive is responsible for these choppers. That shite is pure pilot error. He never came across their path, plane, or coerced anyone directly to affect the choppers. They made an active decision to throw themselves in harms way and failed to take the most basic care for their own space.

If this guy is responsible for manslaughter in regards to these choppers, then Paris Hilton is responsible for the 20-30 teenagers who walked into traffic or ran their Miatas into telephone poles while texting and celling other teens about the buzz over her jail theatrics two months ago. There has to be at least a sliver or direct contact, intent, or force involved to make it justifiable.

He's screaming down the street and forces someone off the road... responsible.
He causes a police vehicle to skip a curb and run down a pack of nuns.. responsible.
He clips a powerline causing a nursing home to lose three patients on ventilators... responsible.
He causes someone in a gas station checkout line to choke on a Slim Jim because they craned their neck to gawk at the chase... NOT responsible.

You catch my drift?
It's a legal wormhole worth watching.

Had he not run from police, the choppers wouldn't have been there.

Where is Jerry from Channel 12...the deserts first helicopter pilot. Retired, or dead?
just tragic. :(

It seems there need be more air traffic control of choppers now.
(what with the news competition now):confused:

No. What we need is more discretion on what we send a news chopper out to cover. Since when (don't bother, we all know since when) was it the public's right to have police chases broadcast live on TV? Damn white Bronco...
We've volunteered to a moratorium on TV vehicle chases until OJ is run over by a white Bronco on the SanDiego freeway.
No. What we need is more discretion on what we send a news chopper out to cover. Since when (don't bother, we all know since when) was it the public's right to have police chases broadcast live on TV? Damn white Bronco...

we don't "send a news chopper out"

I just figure we have controllers for higher altitudes, and what with terrorism
the way it is and all....:shrug:

It's my guess the lower alt. traffic won't get any lighter.

Damnit, now you got me thinking about ultralights again.:p
Man, I want one.