Winter solstice


molṑn labé
Staff member
begins about 1:43am (EST) tomorrow morning.

Can anybody say depression & misery? I knew you could.
Re: Winter solistice

Oh hell, now I have to find a goat to sacrifice and shit. :lol:
Yeah but the solstice is when days start getting longer again...Gotta appreciate that. At least we're heading in the right direction for summer. :D

Hers is on the day of winter solstice, mine is on the day of summer solstice. I have no excuse if I forget her birthday! :lloyd:
Bungi said:
You mean SUMMER solstice... damn northies :p
Hey, we can't help it if you live on on the bottom of the world. :p

Edit: Evidently that last beer was the infamous "one too many." :lol: