Too cute for words
Pilots Didn't Radio Air Force One, Airline Says
Tuesday, December 2, 2003; Page A03
British Airways said yesterday that none of its pilots made contact with President Bush's plane during its secret flight to Baghdad on Thanksgiving, contradicting White House reports of a midair exchange that nearly prompted Bush to call off his trip. Honor Verrier, a spokeswoman for British Airways in North America, said two British Airways aircraft were in the area at the time and neither radioed the president's plane to ask if it was Air Force One.
"We have spoken to the British Airways captains who were in the area at the time and neither made comments to Air Force One nor did they hear any other aircraft make the statement over the radio," Verrier said.
The White House had no immediate comment on the discrepancy.
Bush aides recounted last week that a British Airways pilot thought he spotted the president's blue and white Boeing 747 from his cockpit.
"Did I just see Air Force One?" the pilot radioed, according to the White House.
Air Force One responded: "Gulfstream 5" -- a much smaller aircraft.
As one of Bush's aides recounted, the British Airways pilot seemed to sense he was in on a secret, and replied: "Oh."
Really, I wish I was.